domain controller

  1. S

    I can't login w/ root account via SSH/Shell after ingress PVE on AD domain

    Hi. I instaled a PVE7.4 on Dell R710. Setup a VM Win2019 server w/ AD. Setup others VMs, Windows and Linux. I can login in any VM normally with my AD user. On web interface of PVE, i setup de AD and be able to login in. All rigth. But, now, i can't login via ssh or shell w/ root user or my...
  2. T

    Proxmox 8.2.2 - Windows Server träge

    Hallo Leute, ich bin vor einigen Tagen von ESXI auf Proxmox umgestiegen. Soweit läuft alles und ich bin ganz zufrieden. Nun habe ich diverse Linux VMs aber auch zwei Windows Server am laufen. Leider sind die beiden Windows Server relativ träge. Die CPU Auslastung liegt bei ungefähr 20% und...
  3. T

    Domaincontroller wird ständig von Proxmox beendet

    Hallo, ich bin noch ein Frischling, was Windows Server und Proxmox angehet und ich hänge jetzt seit einer Weile an einem Problem: Proxmox scheint immer meinen DC zu terminieren. Der DC selbst hat nichts auffälliges im Log, weshalb ich nicht glaube, dass er selbst abstürzt. Anfangs gab es einen...
  4. T

    Moving Windows Server install to Proxmox VE?

    Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to Proxmox and was wondering if it would be possible (Or even a good idea) to move our existing Domain Controller install of Windows Server 2019 to a Proxmox VM on the same machine. Scenario/Context: I've started at this company recently and everything is outdated...
  5. T

    Public Domain for VMs

    Hello, I have setup proxmox and 3 VMs in it (Debian, Ubuntu, windows). I have 2 public domain and need to forward them to linux servers and keep windows only locally available. I also have ddwrt router connected directly to network and physical home server. I want to know should I forward...
  6. E

    use snapshot to create 2nd Domain Controller

    We are trying to make a 2nd Domain Controller on a different server and I was going to try to take a snapshot of our existing Samba Domain Controller and copy that snapshot to new location, change the IP settings, name, etc... and start it up. Has anyone ever tried this before?
  7. J

    Proxmox external VM / CT access

    I've just begun the setup of proxmox for our none profit educational VPS service. However, the problem we're facing is a lack of IPv4 addresses available to us. Is it possible to route a sub-domain to the host servers IP address and then get that forwarded to the individual containers...
  8. P

    KVM cloning windows 2012 r2 domain controllers

    First sorry for my bad English i am French ! ;-)) Cloning DC is a new feature from Windows serveur 2012 r2 I use to use it cause it's very very usefull and simple for add other domain controllers in a Active Directory Domain To do that the hypervisor who is use need to support what is call the...