
  1. L

    Mail Delivery System report

    Hello. I need help with the "Mail Delivery System". How can I disable the alert that returns to a sender if the destination address does not exist or any different problem? Thank you Aleksei
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Configuration issue: Mail for [host]:25 loops back to myself

    Hi, I am struggling for a couple of hours with my second PMG installation and I am encountering an error while testing inbound mail. Here is what I am getting in return to the sender's mailbox: and here is what I am getting in the Tracking Center: Here is my PMG relay configuration: My...
  3. M

    Fehlende "Delivery Message"

    Hallo Community, ich habe das Problem, dass meine Proxmox trotz der eingestellten Option "Zustellbarkeitsbericht" im Client diesen geforderten Bericht nicht an den sendenen Client zurückgibt. Info zum Aufbau: Client nutzt Outlook und sendet über einen Exchange von innen über den Port 26 zur...
  4. D

    [SOLVED] Gateway stopped delivering mail

    Hi all, This morning I had an issue with my PMG server where it went deaf and stopped delivering emails to end email addresses. I use it as a smart host. Its built off of the Proxmox LXC container and its running on a Proxmox Server in a cluster. The server in the syslog went from working to no...