
  1. B

    Disk einer VM kopieren für eine andere VM

    Guten Tag zusammen, ich versuche nun seit geraumer Zeit herauszufinden wie ich eine existierende Disk einer Virtuellen Maschine A (id=108) kopieren und dann einer virtuellen Maschine B (id=119) zur Verfügung stellen kann. Ich habe für meine virtuellen Maschinen ein ZFS eingerichtet "vmpool"...
  2. Z

    Dateien größer als 1,3 GB können nicht kopiert oder heruntergeladen werden (ZFS Mirror)

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Proxmox-Server, das ich alleine nicht lösen kann. Der Server läuft mit einem ZFS-Mirror und hat 32 GB RAM. Vor kurzem wollte ich eine ISO-Datei herunterladen, aber der Download stoppte immer bei ca. 1,3 GB. Seitdem ist mir aufgefallen, dass ich...
  3. C

    How to copy backup from PBS to local PBS on VirtualBox

    I have a home PVE server, with a PBS running on the same host, because I want the backups to run overnight and that is the only machine that is left running 24/7. Periodically I would like to copy my VM backups to a local disk on my desktop Windows 11 machine. I have set up another PBS instance...
  4. L

    [SOLVED] Copying and Pasting into an Ubuntu Virtual Machine in the Web UI

    Hello, I'm trying to figure out how I can copy and paste into a Virtual Machine in the web interface using a web browser. This is specifically when you click the Console tab of a Virtual Machine The operating system is Ubuntu if that helps and I am on the latest version of Proxmox.
  5. W

    Can't copy/paste to VMs and LXCs

    I'm new to proxmox, I have been trying to work on some of my containers but it have been a pain. When I try to setup a new service I have to write the code from manuals by hand and I cannot copy and paste from my client to VMs. I have been using noVNC because SPICE and xterm.js are not working...
  6. Y

    Bare metal copy

    I just installed and configurated Proxmox Backup Server becouse i thoght you could do a bare metal copy of Proxmox VE, but I don't find the option to make it. Can someone tell me how to do it or if I'm wrong and you cannot do it? I would be very grateful. Thanks
  7. D

    How to copy files in a container/VM into my Host node

    Hi I would like to know if it possible to copy an SQL file or any file from one of out ubuntu VM's into out host node? Online it mentions using Rsync but I cant figure how you get it out of the VM into the host. I need to get this sql database out of the VM and onto my laptop, I can SSH into...
  8. P

    PVE 6 is there a way to push a file to multiple container ?

    Hello everyone, everything is in the title :) So you'll understand I'm looking for a way (simple if possible of course) to copy or edit the same file on multiple containers (lxc). I set up several containers that do the same thing and for which I would like to edit at the same time. If...
  9. C

    [SOLVED] QM Migration Error: vmdk format does not support live migration

    Hallo Zusammen, Wir haben ein Problem beim Migrieren einer VM vom einen Node auf den anderen. Die zu transferierende VM hat 2 Festplatten eingebunden. Eine im local-lvm und eine auf einem Remote Synology Server. Dieser Synology Server ist bei beiden Nodes über NFS unter demselben namen...
  10. H

    How to copy ZFS Vol

    I would like to copy/replace the disk of a newly created VM with the one from a template using ssh command. The template's zfs vol is rpool/data/vm-100-disk-0 , How to copy this vol to VM ID 101 using ssh commands. Any tips ?
  11. N

    why is there no more copy percentage progress indicator ?

    Hello, proxmox v 4.X there was showing percentage of ongoing image copy between servers as here why in version is only " Formatting" message, as here shoudl i get the indicator back somehow ? Regards RH
  12. J

    Need Help with Clones of VPS

    Hi, I need help with cloning/replication of a VPS from within proxmox. Is it as simple as right clicking on any vps on our dedicated server, clicking clone and then filling in the information requested? Please look at the screen shot. Specifically, what do I enter in the blank places or...
  13. Y

    How to copy\move vm disk(raw format) from already dead Proxmox 4.4

    Hi! I have Proxmox 4.4. with native "local-lvm" storage with raw virtual disks. I need a backup plans for different emergency situation. For example one such situation: My server with Proxmox 4.4 can't boot(and I can't forced it).Reinstall Proxmox and restore VM's from backups is a good idea...
  14. W

    Firewall file manual edit

    Hello, I wanna update my firewall file for the cluster everyday with an updated list of blocked spam IPs. Therefore I created a bash script but unfortunately I can't execute it in /etc/pve/firewall/ and I can't copy files to this directory with the script. Any idea how to do it then? Thanks for...
  15. M

    [SOLVED] copy paste keys commands for ct kvm vnc console

    I wanted to ask if there is any work going on for copy paste keys support in the vnc viewer? At least software buttons in the top header would be very helpful for long passwords on machines where networking doesn't work . or bios stuff! Found this old Question regarding the same question...