Bare metal copy


New Member
May 17, 2024
I just installed and configurated Proxmox Backup Server becouse i thoght you could do a bare metal copy of Proxmox VE, but I don't find the option to make it.
Can someone tell me how to do it or if I'm wrong and you cannot do it? I would be very grateful. Thanks
Not an expert but I use a 3-server, 9-disk proxmox/ceph cluster. I back this to PBS1 which syncs to PBS2 (offsite). So all VMs and CTs are covered.

But what about yourProxmox servers with all the PVE/Ceph/Certs?

I think one good answer which might stay true to "The Proxmox Way" is be to create an actual share on PBS1 called "backup". Then you can us dd or clonezilla or ghost etc. to do a nightly disk dump to your PBS hardware. Extra security, set a cron job to rsync your "backup" share to PBS2.

In theory you can bare-metal restore all three servers even if your office is hit by lightning.