
  1. B

    Host failing to start pve-cluster service after reboot

    Hey there Proxmox forum, I have a 4-node cluster that I had just finished repairing after it went split-brain on me a few weeks ago, I thought I had resolved all the issues with the hosts and everything was clustering correctly, however today after rebooting one of the hosts (zeus) it is not...
  2. P

    Unable to open database after power outage

    I had an unexpected power outage today and after booting my proxmox machine I wasn't able to load the web GUI. After some digging around I managed to track the problem to a corrupted config.db file thanks to another thread on this forum. When I ran journalctl -b -u pve-cluster I got the...
  3. F

    Unable to login to my web UI (TFA)

    Hi there, After a upgrade on the server at home, it didn't get back online. I'm only using a single node installation As I was abroad it had to wait a week. I started to search/ask on this fine forum and did the following. I installed Proxmox 7.2 on a new SSD and copied over the...
  4. M

    [SOLVED] pve-cluster Fails to start

    I recently changed the IP and hostname of a pve server. apparently i did it wrong and not completely.:rolleyes: now I can't get the pve-cluster to start. pve-cluster: root@DC-BS7-PM4:~# systemctl status pve-cluster -n 30...
  5. C

    Error File config.db

    Good day I present an error in the config.db file when there was a failure in a disk and it was replaced but a new one but when the server crashed it restarted and the service of pve-cluster.service and pveproxy is not uploading since when checking the status of the 2 services present the...
  6. T

    config.db compatability

    After doing a simple `apt-get upgrade` on my older pve 3.4, it didn't come back online due to a kernel panic (can't find /etc/zfs/zfs-functions). Not the end of the world I thought, let's use the opportunity and upgrade to 4.2. After a clean install (again zfs raid 1) and some zpool-hassle, I...
  7. F

    How to recover /var/lib/pve-cluster/config.db ?

    Hello, I was unlucky setting up a cluster of two proxmox nodes, so i looked for ways to revert back and partially followed the howto lokated at Now, in the proxmox gui version 4.1, none of my VMs nor lxc containers appears...