
  1. C

    Corosync won't start

    I'm having issues getting corosync to start up, causing my node to be unable to connect to the other. Diagnostics so far I've tested the basics like pinging one node from the other and it works fine.\ Results from journalctl -xeu pve-cluster.service Jan 15 18:15:49 pve847 pmxcfs[122430]...
  2. G

    [SOLVED] Proxmox startet nur noch im emergency mode | Cannot initialize CMAP service

    Hallo liebes Forum, ich muss mal wieder eure Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen. Ich habe ein Proxmox-Cluster aus derzeit 2 PVE´s. Aktuell habe ich keine Ahnung, wo der Fehler liegt. :confused: Ich habe smnp installiert, sonst gab es keine Veränderungen und mein PVE lief seit Monaten ohne Probleme. Nach...
  3. S

    [SOLVED] PVE 5.0.21 : cluster stopped working after reboot of a failed node while all LCXs on that node were running before reboot…

    Hello I’ve been running a two-node cluster (haumea and makemake, yes I’m into transneptunian objects) for quite some time now, without any problem. Lately, I noticed that on the web interface, one node (makemake) was marked failed, but the containers inside it still worked, so I kept postponing...
  4. D

    [SOLVED] Versehentlich Cluster hinzugefügt - nichts geht mehr (Cannot initialize CMAP service)

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin recht neu was Proxmox angeht und habe auf meinem Server gestern aus Neugier ein Cluster hinzugefügt. Nur.. scheint es mir einiges kaputt gemacht zu haben. Nichtmal vorhandene VM's kann ich noch starten. Im Internet habe ich bereits recherchiert, aber keine Lösung...
  5. N

    Cannot Initiate CMAP Service (all nodes)

    Hello guys how are you? My name is Marcos and I provide support for a small family bussines company that is runing proxmox. We have 4 Nodes and Ceph to provide High Availability. Other day we had a energy supply failure and all the nodes went down after more then 10 hours with the No Breakes...
  6. DynFi User

    PVE Cluster setup

    Hello, I have couple of questions related to the PVE Cluster. First question : I am trying to setup a Proxmox VE cluster. I have three nodes, but two of them already have been configured and are now in production. I would like to know if It is safe to try to configure the cluster in...
  7. T

    Gateway change breaks quorum after PVE 4 upgrade

    Hello all, I've just upgraded our 3-server cluster from last 3.x version to latest 4.x (Community Subscription) without any problems (almost). As we're running our primary firewall virtualized as well in Proxmox we changed the clusters nodes gateways (vmbr0 => eth4) to a physical firewall in...