
  1. S

    PMG Antivirus is not working for incoming mails.

    Hi, I configured PMG as well but I couldn't start virus scan for incoming mails. is there any special touch for this. thanks in advance. + Mail Gateway 8.1.2 + Enterprise repo.
  2. C

    Dr.Web AV for pmg

    @Stoiko Ivanov @heutger I found this thread on the forum while researching about adding or replacing ClamAV: It says: Where exactly and how does pmg call clamav? In its documentation, Dr.Web states the following: I can...
  3. S

    [SOLVED] ClamAV update issue

    hello everyone I get an error when I want to update the clamav database. When I access the update address via the internet browser, I encounter the cloudflare control. After passing the check (verify that you are not a robot), I can download the relevant update to my computer. pmg cannot...
  4. M

    [SOLVED] /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by another process

    After upgrading from 7.3-6 to 8.0.3, freshclam seems to behave differently. On the command line (via ssh access as user root), running "freshclam -v" shows the below - which is the same when trying this in the GUI (Virus detector/Clamav/Update Now) /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by...
  5. E

    How to whitelist antivirus?

    Good day. I connected clamav-unofficial-sigs Sanesecurity.jurbl beats off a huge number of letters(~500), which is good. But there is one address that I need to pass on. If I add this signature of Sanesecurity.Jurlbl.XXXXXX to the whitelist.ign2 file, all unwanted emails will get through. And I...
  6. S

    antiCLAM. Waste of good memory.

    I currently have this command running in cron: echo "ConcurrentDatabaseReload no" >> /etc/clamav/clamd.conf && systemctl restart clam* I would like to disable all Clam related services in our PMGW. Any suggestions on how to do that?
  7. U


  8. N

    ClamAV CVE-2023-20032 etc. / Mitigation-Lösung bis zum Distri-Update?

    Hallo, hat jemand eine Lösung, wie man HFS+-Files anhand von Proxmox-Regeln identifizieren kann, so dass sie nicht in die ClamAV-Engine geschmissen werden? Aktuell scheinen sowohl Debian als auch Ubuntu ihre Repositories noch nicht aktualisiert zu haben. Proxmox nutzt hier 0.103.7, die als...
  9. J

    /var/run/clamav missing in brand-new installation on LXC

    Hello everyone! I just installed PMG 7.2 on a LXC with the Debian 11 Bulllseye template in my 4-node Proxmox cluster by using the following command: apt install libclamunrar p7zip-rar proxmox-mailgateway-container Then I configured a number of aspects via the Configuration: Mail proxy and...
  10. C

    [SOLVED] ClamaV did not catch virus

    Hi Guys, We use proxmox mail gateway but seems like clamaV did not catch the virus: MIME type: application/octet-stream File name: RFQ#1180004562&1180004538.gz File size: 187.80 kB Virus name: VIRUS: Trojan.Zmutzy.867 Antivirus: Kerio Antivirus engine version/Signature count: (AVCORE v2.2...
  11. E

    [Req] Zusätzliche ClamAV Signaturequellen eintragen

    Hi Es wäre prima, wenn man zusätzlich zum ClamAV signature-mirror auch weitere Signaturquellen eintragen und managen könnte. Natürlich geht das sicher auch über die shell / scripting usw. Aber wenns schon mal eine GUI für den ClamAV hat... Spontan fallen mir u.a. die clamav...
  12. G

    "Possible" ClamAV issue?

    I watch my log files like a hawk and saw this appear. Is this something to worry about? It has been happening daily for a few days now. ERROR: /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by another process ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log). ERROR...
  13. B

    How can I see why a virus was not detected ?

    Hi, I received a virus file with a .xz extension (a compressed file apparently) It was not blocked by ClamAV, all logs files of clamav are empty even if the virus filter is actived. For spam I can easily see in the original mail why it is blocked / not blocked but how can I do that for virus...
  14. N

    What to do during an update that brings a different new configuration file?

    Hello, I am getting this message and for now I have answered “keep the local”. Is this the correct option or we should be checking differences and making changes? …or install the package maintainer’s version?
  15. G

    [SOLVED] AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="create" profile="/usr/bin/freshclam"

    Hello, cant update db calmav, getting errors below: freshclam ClamAV update process started at Fri Feb 26 16:31:19 2021 WARNING: Can't query WARNING: Invalid DNS reply. Falling back to HTTP mode. Reading CVD header...
  16. S

    Virus Scan

    Hello friends we can set rules on the program. I could not adjust. I want to scan the incoming mail first for a virus scanner. priority is 100, but virus-containing e-mail still passes. Can you send me the sample of your rules?
  17. J

    Keep current ClamAV configurations during upgrade?

    Hi, During the install of upgrades (initiated via the GUI), I get a questions about /etc/clamav/clamd.conf and /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf. The question is whether I want to keep the current configuration file, or install the new one (from ClamAV). What should I choose here? I would guess that...
  18. S

    Problem with freshclam

    Hey all i noticed that my clamav is not updating the error i get is: ClamAV update process started at Sat Feb 29 13:24:52 2020 WARNING: Can't query WARNING: Invalid DNS reply. Falling back to HTTP mode. Reading CVD header (daily.cvd): WARNING: remote_cvdhead: Download...
  19. I

    ClamAV installation is outdated

    after upgrading to PMG-5.1, my ClamAV installation complains about being outdated. E.g. this is what I get when I manually click the "Update Now" button in the web-frontend: ClamAV update process started at Mon Oct 15 14:55:46 2018 WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED! WARNING: Local...
  20. N

    ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!

    As the title says, the ClamAV database failed to update as the latest version, 1.0.0, is not installed. I have tried "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" but there was no update available. I could not find any clear document on how to (and should I) fix it. Every help is appreciated!