
  1. M

    Mismatching pve-ssl.pem certificate after hostname change - Correct process for renaming and changing the IP address of hosts in a cluster?

    Hi there, I went through the process of renaming and changing the IP address of a few hosts within my 9-node proxmox cluster. I am using Proxmox VE 8.2.7 at present. For each host I wanted to rename and change the IP address of, one by one I edited the following files to rename the host...
  2. N

    [SOLVED] Certificates not working - TASK ERROR: validating challenge

    Reinstalled Proxmox 8.2.4, added cloudflare details added letsencrypt I have done this several time before with no problems, did they change something? Loading ACME account details Placing ACME order Order URL: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/order/1945663146/304959346946 Getting...
  3. S

    PVE Unable to Acquire Certificate using ACME DNS Plugin

    Hi Bit of background first: i have created a new PVE Server (8.2.4), the server is sitting within IANA reserved address space (i.e. 192.168.x.x) and goes through NAT to get out to the internet. I am trying to configure the Certificate configuration to acquire a legitimate certificate via...
  4. L

    changing the FQDN, and not the hostname, in a cluster

    Hello, I would like to change the FQDN in a cluster which we mainly use to access the administrative interface. I see that in /etc/hosts both the fqdn and the one-label names are set: localhost.localdomain localhost pve1.example.com pve1 pve2.example.com...
  5. B

    ACME Order mit INWX Account funktioniert nicht

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin ziemlich am verzweifeln, ich habe meine Domains bei INWX und habe hiermit bspw. mit Traefik nie Probleme. Nun wollte ich ein SSL zertifikat für Proxmox. Ich habe also unter Datacenter -> ACME einen account hinzugefügt und ein entsprechendes Challange Plugin mit den daten...
  6. G

    General certificate question

    I get the "Your connection is not private" page when going to the Proxmox page. This requires me to add a certificate. However, I have a VM that hosts a couple of websites that do not have certificates. If I add a certificate to Proxmox, will it effect the VM sites?
  7. S

    How do I request more than one certificate from Let's Encrypt?

    When the request is made, how do I list a second (and third, and so on) domain in it? There's only a single field. Do I use commas? semicolons? spaces? (,/;/ ) I'm already using dns-01, it's kind of a must because of the reverse proxy, I only would like to know which is the right separator...
  8. I

    Best practices for Digital Certificate Management in VMs and LXC

    Hello, I already have a cluster set-up and running with 7 nodes and about 200 virtual computers (some VMs and some LXC) they are all part of our company development platform. it is a good environment for testing things… The problem we have is that we install services on each one of the virtual...
  9. M

    [SOLVED] Fixing a broken cluster node

    Regarding the large cluster I spoke about in my previous thread. I spent a solid day on site reinstalling every system and replumbing everything, and got it all running again along with separate individual networks for three clusters of 8-10 nodes each. Yesterday, I started setting up the...
  10. M

    Probleme Zertifizierung von Proxmox

    Hallo Leute, ich habe aktuell Proxmox neu installiert und gerade meine Festplatten sind richtig gemountet. Danke nochmals an @Dunuin Habe jetzt ein anliegen bezüglich der Zertifizierung. Ich habe ein ACME Account eingerichtet in Proxmox als Default "Let's Encrypt V2". Da steht auch das es...
  11. A

    TLS certificate ACME generation problems

    Hello, we are using PMG v 7.1-2 We started using the integrated ACME, but when the certificates are automatically generated, for some reason, they always contain outdated Let's Encrypt R3 certificate chain which expired in 2021. This means that TLS with our customers stops working every time...
  12. T

    Proxmox ACME-Zertifikate innerhalb einer VM nutzen

    Hallo, zunächst vorweg, wir sind noch recht frisch bei Proxmox und experimentieren gerade ein wenig damit herum um bei den vielen Möglichkeiten den Durchblick zu bekommen. Aber es ist einfach großartig :) Ich bin so zB erst vor kurzem auf die Möglichkeiten mit den (ACME)Zertifikaten gestoßen...
  13. J

    Upload custom cert via Proxmox API?

    I have pre-existing infrastructure which registers and updates TLS certificates for organization's sites via Lets Encrypt. I'd like to use this infrastructure to automatically push a new certificate to my various Proxmox VE nodes via the Proxmox API...
  14. R

    [TUTORIAL] Subject Alternative Name in Certificates & adding additional DNS API procedure

    I have been able to add a new DNS API script to acme.sh for Mythic Beasts, load it and use it with Proxmox according to this thread. 1. Put your script in here: /usr/share/proxmox-acme/dnsapi 2. You no longer need to edit the perl file according to that thread, instead you change it here...
  15. L

    Can't receive emails on PMG

    Hi, I've recently set up a PMG server, but sadly email forwarding is not working. First of all, I'd want to be sure of a thing: Can I use the same port on Relay Port (Mail Proxy > relaying) and External SMTP Port (Mail Proxy > Ports)? After that, why postfix says "warning: No certs for key at...
  16. A

    Proxmox complains when importing Step-CA root certificate bundle chain

    So I set up a step-ca ACME certificate authority to get proxmox and other things valid internal certificates so I can manage trust using internal domain names. This shouldn't be too much of a stretch. Here's the thing, I can't upload the Root CA to proxmox to be able to register. When I go to...
  17. B

    Certificate or Signature file error - Newbie question

    Hi all! I am quite new to proxmox. I am using it to learn about virtualization and then move to running dockers and k8s. I have a new installation of PVE. Here is pveversion -v : proxmox-ve: 6.2-2 (running kernel: 5.4.65-1-pve) pve-manager: 6.2-15 (running version: 6.2-15/48bd51b6)...
  18. J

    Permissions necessary to update custom cert via API

    I'm trying to upload an SSL certificate via the API (https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/api-viewer/index.html#/nodes/{node}/certificates/custom) using the Proxmoxer Python API, with an API Token tied to the root user. I think I've gotten my code right, but am seeing the following error when I...
  19. L

    Wiki improvement: Web Interface via Nginx Proxy

    Hi, I propose that these lines are added to the article here in order to fix the boot order of the services. Otherwise nginx won't come up correctly after reboot because the certificate files are not available before pve-cluster service was started. sed -i...
  20. D

    Certificate Validation Error Upon Trying to Install License

    Upon attempting to install a Proxmox VE license, I get the following error: "Invalid response from server: 500 Can't connect to shop.maurer-it.com:443 (certificate verify failed) (500)" I've attempted working with Proxmox tech support, but they've been quite unhelpful. My organization proxies...