ceph bluestore

  1. H

    small 3 node ceph blustore: how use NVME? config recommendations?

    Hi folks, given are 3 nodes: each node 10 GB network each node 8 enterprise spinners 4TB each node 1 enterprise nvme 1TB each node 64 GB RAM each node 4 Core cpu -> 8 threads up to 3.2 GHz pveperf of cpu: CPU BOGOMIPS: 47999.28 REGEX/SECOND: 2721240 each node latest proxmox of course...
  2. S

    ceph bluestore much slower than glusterfs

    Hello, I just want to create brand new proxmox cluster. On some older cluster I used glusterfs, now I have some time and I try to compare glusterfs vs new ceph (PVE 5.2). on my lab I have 3 VM (in nested env) with ssd storage. iperf show between 6 to 11 gbps, latency is about 0.1ms I make one...
  3. P

    Ceph: How to specifiy DB device for Bluestore OSD

    How to specify DB device (not WAL device) for Bluestore OSD? The Proxmox documentation of pveceph (pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/chapter-pveceph.html) clearly shows how to specify a WAL device, but not a DB device. pveceph createosd /dev/sdn -wal_dev /dev/sdb Having used this method, within the...
  4. A

    [SOLVED] Ceph OSD change DB Disk

    Hi, I've had issues when I put in new journal disks and wanted to move existing disks from one journal disk to the new ones. The issues where, I set the osd into Out mode, then Stopped the OSD, and destroyed it. Recreating the OSD with the new DB device make the OSD never to show up! This is a...
  5. T

    Increase Ceph recovery speed

    I'm in the middle of migrating my current osd's to Bluestore but the recovery speed is quite low (5600kb/s ~10 objects/s). Is there a way to increase the speed? I currently have no virtual machines running on the cluster so performance doesn't matter at the moment. Only the recovery is running.
  6. T

    Compression or deduplication in Ceph

    I am currently running a proxmox 5.0 beta server with ceph (luminous) storage. I am trying to reduce the size of my ceph pools as I am running low on space. Does ceph have some kind of option to use compression or deduplication to reduce the size of the pool on disk?