cant loging

  1. B

    cant reach GUI on browser

    just installed Proxmox 8.0 ,during setup i left everything on default except FQDN used tried connecting with as instructed by Proxmox.using Firefox and Chrome i couldnt reach the GUI. i dont have direct access to my physical router(controlled by my ISP)...
  2. L

    falha no login Proxmox via WEB

    Boa noite! Precisei mudar o nome do servidor, e após reiniciar não entra mais na interface do proxmox. pelo log journalctl -f mostra esse erro /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key: failed to load local private key (key_file or key) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/APIServer/ line 2009. Ping ok...
  3. R

    cant login in my proxmox after updated [HELP]

    Hello pals, I have a problem for a few days that has become uncomfortable, and it is that I have my proxmox server with several lxc and vm that has been running without problems for 1 year, but because I have been away from home for a long time, I had not updated and had the version proxmox ve...
  4. O

    Can't login to GUI after join cluster

    Hi! I have a problem i have two servers proxmox1 and proxmox2. then I created a cluster, proxmox1 as the main server. after the cluster join successful. I can't login GUI proxmox1 and proxmox2. iam using proxmox 7.2 on both server. thank you before..
  5. F

    [SOLVED] Can't login to webui: Network error or Proxmox VE services not running?

    Hi, after rebooting my main node I've been unable to login to the webui, i get "Network error or Proxmox VE services not running?". I've checked other threads here and have followed them to no avail. My setup consists of two nodes. I can login to the secondary node, but nothing shows and i get...
  6. V

    Verbindungsfehler 401: 403 Permission check failed (permission denied - invalid PVE Ticket)

    Hallo, Ich habe 2 Proxmox host und habe vor einiger zeit einmal versucht diese in einem Cluster laufen zu lassen, was mir allerdings nicht so zusagte, woraufhin ich diese Einstellungen wieder entfernen wollte. Dies gelang mir auch soweit nur das ich mich an beiden Hosts nichtmehr einloggen...