
  1. B

    Container loosing network connection daily

    Hi, using ProxMox now for one year without any issues. From one day to another one of my containers is loosing network connectivity one a day. It's not always loosing the connectivity at the same time. The container runs Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) (Openhabian distro). The container ran...
  2. I

    Probleme bei Upgrade von 6.4-15 auf die neuste 7er-Version

    Hallo Zusammen, vor fast genau einem Jahr hatte ich mir Proxmox auf meinem Server installiert. Das war bis vorhin auch ununterbrochen, seit der Installation, die Version 6.2-4. Mit Mühe und Not habe ich es vorhin hinbekommen, dass ganze zumindest einmal auf 6.4-15 upzudaten. Ein Upgrade auf die...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] Host IPv4, Guest IPv6 subnet (guest no connectivity) Debian 11 bullseye

    Dear people, I have been struggling on the following issue for about 2 days now, and figured I should take a break and ask for some advice on the forums. Furthermore, a note, I'm not super familiar to the networking part of IT, so that might be why this is not working out for me. (I have...
  4. S

    Strange network problem with Proxmox 7.1-6 and Debian 11

    Just received a Dell R520, and did a fresh install of Proxmox. Added Debian 10 (buster) guest. No issues with networking. Installed Debian 11 (bullseye). When I run a "/etc/init.d/networking restart" the networking bits stop working. This is the "Before" running /etc/init.d/networking...
  5. 3

    Jemand Cloud-Init Debian 11 auf pve 7.0/7.1 zum laufen gebracht?

    Hallo liebe Community, hat es schon mal jemand geschafft ein funktionierendes Debian 11 cloud-init template in PVE 7.1/7.0 zum laufen zu bekommen? Ich erstelle es ähnlich wie in der Anleitung und was man so auf Github findet so: wget...
  6. R

    Compile Proxmox VE from source

    At one point I came across some sparse directions on how to compile Proxmox VE from source although I think it was a very old version, I cannot locate it any longer. Is there any documentation that someone can point me to to help with compiling VE from source, such as what packages/repos are...
  7. T

    Fresh installation, update to Bullseye?

    I just completed a fresh install, and I'm wondering, as I go through all of the typical system configs and updates that we usually do, if there's any breakage issues with going straight to Bullseye now considering it's so close to release anyway? Is anyone here running Bullseye in prod instead...