
  1. L

    Regular expressions for Email Body

    Good morning. I am starting in the PMG world, and I want to create mail blocking rules by regular expressions in the body of the mail, I have done it through the mail subject but I can't find a way for the body, any idea? Is it possible to do it? Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. hoffmn01

    DKIM - body has been altered - when enabling disclaimer function

    Hello, we've got 2 mailgateways in production and we are happy with them. We recently noticed that DKIM is not working if we add a disclaimer through the mail filter actions. If we switch off the disclaimer, we get a valid/ok message for DKIM. If we enable disclaimer we get the following...
  3. D

    Block email body content

    In the section of "What objects", I'm able to add Match fields according to subject and from, I'm able to block those types of content, but my doubt is, how can I block the content of an email, according to the body, what is the value that I need to put in the field value to do that
  4. R

    Filtering by word in subject and/or body?

    is it possible to filter spam words in the body of the email? Anyone have any suggestions on how to do this? for example I would like to send to quarantine when you have a word to unsubscribe or click here