
  1. N

    Nested virtualization + GPU Passthrough Causes VM Crashes/Bluescreens

    Hello Guys, I have a Windows Server 2022 VM with GPU passthrough, so now i wanted to use WSL and for that i need Hyper-V. Logical solution was to enable Nested Virtualization by editing the /etc/modprobe.d/kvm_amd.conf file and adding following parameters options kvm-amd nested=1 avic=1 npt=1...
  2. B

    Stop code: SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDELD with param -hypervisor

    I have a problem while i set a Windows 11 VM with GPU passthrough on my PVE platform. I want to install windows 11 on my old PC but my old PC has no TPM module so I installed PVE and created a VM with virtual TPM module and I successfully installed Windows 11 on it. But when I want to play...
  3. O

    paused -> resume --> stop --> nuked

    Hallo aktuell hat es bereits 2 Maschinen mit Windows erwischt. Die Maschinen starten korrekt gehen dann aber einfach in paused. Aktiviert man sie wieder laufen sie kurz weiter aber beenden sich dann aber. Danach kommen die Maschinen nicht mehr hoch und Windows meldet einen Blue Screen...
  4. E

    [PVE 5.4] Problems with adding virtio net interface

    Hi! The last few weeks have begun to observe problems with the addition of the VirtIO (Paravirtualized) network interface in the win 2019 guest system in live mode. When we add a new interface, bluescreen is called in the guest system and the system restarts. After restarting the system, guest...
  5. C

    Windows guest bluescreen with Proxmox 6

    Upgraded my (really old) lab to Proxmox 6.0-4. Now I have a bluescreen with my Windows server 2019 VM (SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED). Played around a bit with 2019 install media, also bluescreen during setup of a fresh VM. Changed CPU to core2duo -> I was able to install -> changed CPU...
  6. C

    Blue screen with 5.1

    Hi, I'm running a small lab at home (old PC hardware, no special server hardware). Until yesterday I used version 5.0, today I did an inplace upgrade to version 5.1. Since version 5.1 my server 2016 VMs are getting blue screens (server 2016 core and 2016 with GUI). With 5.0 everything ran...