
  1. U

    Spamerkennung verbessern

    Hallo Community, wir evaluieren derzeit PMG als Spam-Gateway für unseren Exchange. Uns gefällt die Lösung bisher ganz gut, aber es kommt für unseren Geschmack noch etwas zu viel Spam durch. Wir haben bereits im Einsatz: - die spamhaus und barracuda DNSBLs - RBL checks - Razor - Bayes - können...
  2. A

    [SOLVED] AWL/Bayesian filter databases

    Hi Now we are testing PMG in the following configuration: All rules and filters are disabled except for AWL and Bayesian filter. That is, all emails are redirected without checks. PMG has been working like this for a week now I think that these actions will lead to the fact that after the...
  3. U

    [SOLVED] Changing Bayes Configuration

    After whatever period of time was needed for the system to be populated with data, the Bayes filter has started appearing in the scoring calculus as BAYES_00 and others. This has been throwing quite large negative scores on messages that would otherwise have scored above thresholds that I am...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Spamassassin won't autolearn

    Hello dear Forum I am trying to get autolearn for the bayesian filter running but it won't work when I artificially try to trigger it. As I understood it, there are the following prerequisites for the autolearn to hit and learn spam: - "Use Bayesian filter" shall be set to "Yes" under "Spam...
  5. O

    Using transports to trap spam and ham learning addresses

    Hi All, I'm new to Proxmox pmg. I moved from Xwall for various reasons. One of the issues in leaving Xwall was the simple task of adding learn-spam, and learn-not-spam for the bayes filter. by simply creating two mailadresses (i used spam@spam.spam and notspam@spam.spam) in the xwall, causing...
  6. B

    Bayes filter not learning

    My gateway runs for around a year now, but bayesian filter is still not learning spam well. I have set threshold to bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 7.0 in /usr/share/spamassassin/ and also in /etc/mail/spamassassin but it still did not learn messages above 14 score...
  7. D

    sa-learn and HA Cluster

    Hey all, i have here 2 nodes in an HA Cluster. On node 1 I used the command sa-learn to learn spam mails: "sa-learn --dbpath /var/lib/amavis/.spamassassin --progress --spam /var/spam/" I noticed, that on node 1 the folder "/var/lib/amavis" exists, but on node 2 it is not. Have i do the...
  8. T

    Bayes and Spam Marking - Question

    So I have a Spam Email coming in from someone, it is evidently spam, while most of my rules blocked the first few emails, the following emails from the same sender are getting through. The Sending server is the same, the Subject and Body are all the same. Here are to SA Scores SA score=2/5...