
  1. B

    Ansible automation

    I am trying to setup an os_patching role to log into proxmox and take snapshots. I have installed the ansible collection after doing some research. I am running this on RHEL 9. Here is the output of the ansible collections: ~]$ ansible-galaxy collection list #...
  2. N

    AutoInstaller Include other files in iso

    I am wanting to use the new AutoInstaller tool to create an image to autodeploy a proxmox instances in an offline environment. The tool has the ability to imbed the setup script into the iso and i was wondering if it is possible to embed a few other iso/vmbackups into the iso so that they...
  3. F

    Proxmox Automation with Packer/Ansible/Kestra

    Hello! I want to share a small home project I’ve been working on for the past few months. I was looking for solutions for a certain implementation for packer and ansible on the forum, but I couldn’t find it here or in any GitHub repos. I used Packer for template creation because it gives a...
  4. xtonousou

    [FEATURE-REQUEST] Proxmox VE scheduled tasks

    It would be very useful for sysadmins and devops teams, if there was an embedded task scheduler/queue worker for native actions like QEMU/LXC power actions, migrations and deletions with system and user defined intervals or just once-off actions. This feature should be available through API and...
  5. G

    Proxmox ZFS ARC cache max size (auto)configuration script

    "ZFS ate half of my RAM." - :eek: That's pretty much how it started. Diving deeper to this subject it appeared that it's very common problem. Here are few topics on this forum that I read to understand what's going with ram: "Disable ZFS ARC or limiting it" "zfs_arc_max does not seem to work"...
  6. D

    A way to update all those containers in bulk using saved-configs?

    Hi, I hope this fits the forum subject focus. Recently I wrote this simple script to update all my linux containers/VMs (I am sure some one could add windows guests and maybe RPM based, slack, etc support) using MPSSH (an old but good parallel ssh utility). I am also sure it can be extended to...
  7. P

    [REST API] Most optimal way to obtain a list of all VMs and their configs?

    Currently, there doesn't appear to be a single http get to obtain all VMs in the cluster. Right now, I have to query the cluster to obtain the nodes, then query each node for what VMs they have, then on top of that, query each node again for each individual VM config. As you can imagine, when...
  8. H

    Discussion: Proxmox + Ansible = Awesomeness

    Hey guys, i am an ansible enthusisast and would like to start a discussion on your usecase and my usecase regarding ansible. I am not an ansible expert but I love utilizing ansible as much as possible. Maybe I can get some ideas and you can get some ideas from me. So here it is: I have a vm...
  9. T

    Proxmox 8.0.4 SDN Questions

    Howdy everyone! I have a cluster where we want to use the VXLAN features of the SDN plugin (I know it is an experimental feature and we accept the associated risks). 1. Is there an API endpoint or other automation that others are using for this feature? 2. Are there any issues using SDN with HA?
  10. A

    Automate protection flags in PBS?

    Hi! quick question regarding backup protection inside the PBS: Is there a way to automatically schedule that a specific amount of backups will be marked with the protection flag automatically (for example "set the 2 most recent backups as protected" and automatically set/remove the flag when new...
  11. E

    How to spin new VMs with a template

    Hi everyone. I created an Ubuntu VM with some services inside running. I like what I did, and I would love to duplicate that VM for some friends to use with their settings. Is there any way to: Create a VM Install Ubuntu (with a custom IP address) Install and update the required packages...
  12. T

    Ansible provisioning support?

    Hey PVE Staff and Users, Are there future (or current) plans to deploy PVE using Ansible? There are official scripts for Xen, VMWare, and RedHat on HPE Systems for example. Thanks, Tmanok
  13. C

    Automatically Update VMs

    So I have a bit of a dilemma where my company needs to update a very large number of VMs on a regular basis as these connect to customer networks. Right now this is done by manually powering up, ssh and powering down the machines but that's pretty cumbersome as that's my responsibility and eats...
  14. tbjers

    How do I keep the subscription server ID the same after reinstalling PVE on a machine?

    I am using Ansible to provision and deploy PVE to my bare-metal servers in my home lab. This works great, although I noticed that the Server ID changes with each new OS installation, even when the hardware is exactly the same. Is there a way to keep the server ID the same for each machine...
  15. D

    [SOLVED] Script: Automate media pool assignments

    So loving PBS, however I wanted to automate some things. One of those things is auto assign media pool depending on the prefix of a tape. I have an IBM 9 tape changer and I wanted an easy way to add new tapes and run a command to auto assign them to media pools depending on the label prefix so...
  16. T

    Tracking Center from command line

    Hi everyone, Im using PMG in a production enviroment since january, and im really happy with it. Now im trying to improve (automate if posible) my daily workflow, about monitoring the tracking center, looking for quarentine mails and most important, rejected mails. I have found several spoofing...
  17. D

    [SOLVED] template creation with Packer: boot options menu appears on some cluster and not other

    Hello, We are in the process of installing and configuring 4 clusters of 3 nodes and automating templates creation using Packer. We have a strange behaviour where for some clusters Packer template creation works fine and for others we are faced with a bug during the boot process. First, some...
  18. C

    Update HA Groups from API

    Hi folks. Is it possible to edit an HA Group from the API? I can GET all groups from /api2/json/cluster/ha/groups, but I can't seem to PUT a different value for nodes with it, as it just complains that it's not implemented. Basically, what I'd like to achieve is a way of editing a group so I...
  19. P

    Start/Stop VM on load of other VM

    Hi Guys! I'm trying to use capacity when it's not needed for the main application (VM1) for some folding@home (VM2) but I don't want VM2 to influence VM1s performance if needed. So I asked myself if it was possible to start/stop a VM based on the CPU load of another VM (on the same node) without...
  20. J

    Passing kernel cmdline parameters to VM

    I am trying to create a K3OS kubernetes cluster on Proxmox. K3OS all install process can be easily automated by simply booting from the install ISO and pointing the install command to a `config.yaml` file. Also, K3OS accepts a series of kernel cmdline parameters in order to start the install...