add permissions

  1. A

    User permissions

    Hello every one, is it possible to create users in proxmox and limit the number of Vms they can create?
  2. D

    Users Permissions to WHO Object

    Good day I have one of my customer help desk that want to manage white list and black list for his domain So I have create WHO objects and rules as describe here I have also create a user with Help Desk role But the user is not...
  3. Y

    Add permission to user

    Hello, could revoke ? I need a user like PVEVMadmn but without: Migration Hardware modification Replication Options How can I revoke these permissions? ( Or can i crate a custom user permission... ) Thanks!
  4. D

    Can't upload to ceph storage

    Hi! I have Proxmox 4.2 cluster configured ( with ceph storage ( Proxmox version is root@prox1:/etc/pve# pveversion pve-manager/4.2-4/2660193c (running kernel: 4.4.8-1-pve) without...