Users Permissions to WHO Object


Nov 4, 2020
Good day

I have one of my customer help desk that want to manage white list and black list for his domain

So I have create WHO objects and rules as describe here

I have also create a user with Help Desk role

But the user is not allow to create content within the WHO Object I have created, it give a ''Permission check failed'' error message

Is there any way to assign permission to WHO object so specific users can modify them (to be alble to add emails, IP , etc in the blocklist WHO object I have create)

I'm using PMG 6.2.6

Thanks in advance

The permission system of PMG is not really tailored towards multitenancy (in the sense of providing access to certain objects to single users) - it considers the rulesystem the domain of the admin(s).

You could consider setting up a separate instance for this customer.

I hope this helps!
thank you for the information, I think it would really be good idear to add domain wide rulesystem and be able to assign user on per domain range,
Because even within a single organisation you can have different person that manage different domain name

If you can maybe propose to development team this enhancement for futur version
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As said - PMG is by design not tailored towards multitenancy - and we currently don't plan to change that - meaning our resources are needed elsewhere.

If you like you can open an enhancement request over at our bugzilla: - that way all users who wish for such a feature can subscribe there.

Of course - patches are always welcome should someone want to tackle the feature!