1. G

    Qemu 400 Error

    ::ffff: - root@pam [17/12/2022:19:48:05 +0100] "POST /api2/json/nodes/pve/qemu HTTP/1.1" 400 79 Hi I have a website that communicates via API with Proxmox but when I create a virtual machine it returns me Error 400 on qemu, could anyone help me? ::ffff: - -...
  2. L

    [SOLVED] Error 400 Storage ZFS

    Hello everybody, if I want to create a ZFS (on my second storage hdd) proxmox thows this error: 400 Result verification failed config: type check ('object') failed. What does this mean? The storage is created and I can use it, so its safe isn't it? I used parted to erase the disk and delete all...
  3. L

    [SOLVED] Parameter verification failed. (400) Memory

    Hello Proxmoxians, I'm trying to create a new VM on one of our nodes but I'm getting an error when clicking "Finish." Parameter verification failed. (400) memory: value must have a minimum value of 16 Searching the forums and the web didn't give me anything useful, so I've resorted to...
  4. A

    Parameter Verification Failed (400) for Domain Name with leading numbers

    Steps for Reproduction: Use Proxmox Virtual Environment 4.2-2 Web GUI login via HTTPs Server View Datacenter Authentication Add Active Directory Server Enter Domain and Realm with leading numbers Enter AD Server IP Press Save