
  1. F

    [TUTORIAL] How to migrate from 3.4 to 6.4

    Hi So you need to move to the last version and you get the chills because it is such a huge jump in versions. Worry no more it is quite simple!!!!!! Just make regular backup of you VMs Using ssh for instance with Filezilla, copy the backup files (just need the last backup of each) to your...
  2. stefws

    PVE 3.4 - pve-kernel-2.6.32-48-pve vs openvswitch 2.3.2

    Just attempted to patch an older testlab PVE 3.4 to latest patch levels. Found a newer kernel pve-kernel-2.6.32-48-pve only when booting on this our openvswitch looked fine but could get traffic in/out through a bonded NIC plugged into the single vmbr1 ovs and thus no access to the ceph cluster...
  3. S

    VE 3.4 boot problem after disk replace

    Hi All, First time poster. I've been running a 3.4 install for several years now(24/7) - without any problems. It's a small NAS box running 4x2TB 3.5 Hard Drives in a Raid10 configuration(single zpool). I recently decided to upgrade drives 3 & 4 to 6tb drives. I had previously successfully...
  4. I

    Proxmox 4.4, not enough space on local

    I'm trying to upgrade my server from 3.4 to 4.4, I created backups of my VM's but there is not enough space to upload them to the new machine. I have backups that are 150gb+ in size but the local content of 4.4 is only 100gb in size. I have plenty of space in local-lvm, but I can't upload...
  5. S

    Upgrade from 3.4 to 4.4

    I'm planning an in-place upgrade from Prxomox VE 3.4 to 4.4 of one node (no cluster). I've read trough the corresponding wiki entry and wanted to ask how risky it is in comparison to the new installation. I'm hosting only two Ubuntu VMs, no CTs and the downtime during the upgrade shouldn't pose...
  6. P

    Upgrade from 3.4 to 4.3

    Hi Folks, I am planning an upgrade of a standalone single PVE version 3.4 to the latest PVE version 4.3 I am going to test the upgrade in a VirtualBox on my laptop. I am reading this page - https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Upgrade_from_3.x_to_4.0 - but wondered if I have to go to PVE version 4.0...
  7. T

    config.db compatability

    After doing a simple `apt-get upgrade` on my older pve 3.4, it didn't come back online due to a kernel panic (can't find /etc/zfs/zfs-functions). Not the end of the world I thought, let's use the opportunity and upgrade to 4.2. After a clean install (again zfs raid 1) and some zpool-hassle, I...
  8. E

    Cluster backup on shared hard disk

    Hi everyone, I have a 2-nodes proxmox cluster 3.4. I would like to set up automatic backup of VMs of the first node on the hard drive of the second node. My problem is I don't any available storage when I go to Datacenter -> Backup -> New, and so I can't configure it.. I think I need to setup...