I'm running a Windows Server 2019 as a virtual machine on proxmox. Cant start docker desktop on this vm and getting this error:
"Failed to start the virtual machine 'DockerDesktopVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running."
Hyper-V settins are enabled on Server , KVM...
Checked the proxmox/ceph benchmark paper again and noticed that they see around %2 performance difference between nocache and writeback on librbd. I tried the same tests again and saw similar results. While using librbd the vms used ceph node's memory for caching. Then i swapped to krbd from...
The hardware and bandwith tests have been done a while ago and I can definitely say there is no problem there at the moment. We are getting the max possible bandwith between proxmox node and ceph cluster. The appropriate osd configurations have been done as well.
The problem isnt with the average IO though. The problem is that changing cache configurations didnt change anything. Something wrong between ceph.conf and vms i suppose but what?
With restart you man stop-start or a reboot inside the VM? The latter doesn't create a new KVM process.
I stop started from proxmox.
Please share the benchmarks and its results.
fio --randrepeat=1 --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --gtod_reduce=1 --name=test --filename=test.fio --bs=4K --iodepth=64...
Yes I did the tests then restarted and then tested again, showed no difference. Also tried some fio tests today with the same conditions and their results were almost the same as well. What am i missing? Other posts in this forum and some docs indicate that "writeback" disk cache option enables...
I use an external ceph cluster as proxmox storage. When i tweak the rbd cache settings on the proxmox node rados bench test changes accordingly, so there's no problem with applying the rbd cache configurations there. However when i tested this on a vm inside the cluster it gave almost same...
For the record in centos the command on both cli and crontab works with the first version. In ubuntu and debian the command works as is on cli. But when you want to apply this to crontab you need to edit the command as in the solution.
Thanks for your reply, but i seem to solve my problem a couple of minutes ago. I guess the "print" statement before the functions mess up the command. I removed that and added parantheses around the functions like this:
* * * * * flock -n /tmp/cachedrop.lock -c "if (( $(free -m | grep Mem | awk...
I'm trying to create a cronjob to run every minute to drop cache checking a certain condition to be met and i don't want them to overlap if it takes too long so i tried using flock. The cronjob checks if the used ram percentage is less than given value and used ram+cache ram percentage is...
Hello there,
I was wondering is it possible to configure at least 2 virtual machines doing the exact same job where the machines don't have to share the workload, one might just stay idle and become active when the other is down for maintenance/OS upgrade etc. so you'll have zero downtime and...
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