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  1. D

    S/MIME und/oder Sandbox-Erweiterung

    So ist mein Eindruck von extern, kann natürlich auch täuschen. Liegt aber vlt. auch daran, dass aktuell ein Großteil der Nutzer aus Privatpersonen und kleinen Unternehmen besteht und das Feedback von den großen Unternehmen darin unter geht. Meine Aussage war hauptsächlich auf die Enterprise...
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    S/MIME und/oder Sandbox-Erweiterung

    Darum geht es gar nicht, ihr solltet euren Ansatz wirklich noch einmal überdenken. Angenommen ein langjähriger Partner wird mit einer Ransomware angegriffen, die dann versucht weitere Unternehmen mithilfe legitim aussehender Mails zu verschlüsseln. Meiner Meinung nach wäre es fahrlässig, wenn...
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    FC and Snapshot Support

    Are there plans for native FibreChannel support and an alternative to vmfs? I think this is a crucial factor for many enterprise customers. In my opinion, Proxmox needs to completely reorient itself in the storage area in order to take off in the enterprise environment. Many customers are...
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    How to migrate VMs to new CEPH Cluster?

    of course, the question is how
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    How to migrate VMs to new CEPH Cluster?

    We have no direct access to the ceph volume from the old cluster. How can i do this?
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    How to migrate VMs to new CEPH Cluster?

    Hey, we build a new PVE ceph cluster and would now migrate all VMs from our old cluster. In our old one we have ZFS and directory based storage (raw and qcow2 disks) mixed. How can we do this? We already tested "qm remote-migrate" but this seems unable to migrate ZFS to CEPH Storage. Is our only...
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    Error when try to joined cluster

    Can you try to restart the corosync service on both hosts
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    Error when try to joined cluster

    Also the 10.0.24.X adresses?
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    Error when try to joined cluster

    Can you reach the nodes per ping?
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    Error when try to joined cluster

    Normaly that indicates a problem with corosync. Can you plese post the output of "corosync-cfgtool -s" from both hosts?
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    Why "discard" isn't enabled by default?

    I was wondering, why the "discard" option at Hard Disk isn't set by default. Can that cause negative effects or why it's not set by default?
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    ZFS RAID 10 or Z-RAID1?

    Hi, i am planing a new PBS installation with round about 25 TB capacity. My hardware: 2x Intel Xeon E5-2620 128 GB ECC DDR3 RAM 2x 2TB SSD 6 or 8 TB HDDs Uplink 1 Gbit Should i use ZFS RAID 10 or Z-RAID1 for this? Only SSD setup is too expensive but i would use the SSDs as ZFS special device...
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    sa-learn and HA Cluster

    Hey all, i have here 2 nodes in an HA Cluster. On node 1 I used the command sa-learn to learn spam mails: "sa-learn --dbpath /var/lib/amavis/.spamassassin --progress --spam /var/spam/" I noticed, that on node 1 the folder "/var/lib/amavis" exists, but on node 2 it is not. Have i do the...
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    [SOLVED] Failed to join cluster

    Hi, yes, that worked. We reinstalled the node, cleaned up the cluster and rejoined again. After this the problem was solved. Sry for my late reply.
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    [SOLVED] Failed to join cluster

    Hey all, we have big trouble to join an 4th node in our running 3 node cluster. PVE Version on all Nodes: 6.3-3 The 4th node gives me several errors: In cluster view i see the 4th node as offline. If i try to access the settings via gui i get following error: hostname lookup...
  16. D

    Verify jobs with encryption

    I think if the backups is encryptet or not is not relevant, because the data is stored in "unlogical" chunks. You have one hash for every chunk and when you verify the backups the hash gets new calculated and compared with the old value. Correct me if i am wrong.
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    PBS and Let's Encrypt

    I now installed nginx reverse proxy. I think thats a pretty good solution. Can anybody say me which port is used for the backups? 8007?
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    PBS and Let's Encrypt

    Hello, i noticed that the command "proxmox-backup-manager cert info | grep Fingerprint" and "openssl x509 -noout -in /etc/proxmox-backup/proxy.pem -fingerprint -sha256" gives me the same fingerprint. If i now update this certificate and key with one from Let's Encrypt i get certificate...
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    Update from recent version to 6.2.12 causing unstable network for VMs

    We are not yet on 6.2.12, but i heard from many others that they have the same problems since 6.2.12. I think thats a bigger problem and schould be analyzed by the PVE Team. I hope we get an offical statement as fast as possible.
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    [SOLVED] Live Migration LXC

    Hello all, is there now a live Migration for LXC with local Storage? With KVM no problem, but with LXC only restart mode is possible.