Thanks so much I must have been more tired then I thought when I posted. This is my lab and I have physical access I put in the reset network command then the apply command and its working now. I just have to figure out how to do the bond correctly this time as its a little different
I am used to setting the bond in PVE then changing VMBR0 to the bond but made a mistake in PBS as its a little different and set the IP the same for EN0 and the bond and now can’t get in. I tried to SSH into
I am setting this up as a backup box only to be used in the event that the first box goes down. If I have VM's they will be differently named to avoid any confusion. I made up a domain when I installed the box and didn't use my domain I was just curious if that would affect anything.
I have a single server running proxmox 4.4 that is backing up to a NAS. I am wanting to install another Proxmox server running 4.4 as well for development and also as a backup. Will there be any issues adding them both to the same domain and then connecting it to the NAS to restore if needed?
Didn't want to create a new thread for this I have the exact same problem I deselected the flag for the agent and restarted the VM but its scratched out in red still says yes what am I missing?
That very well could do it I have some legacy apps that if they are up proxmox has trouble backing up that was going to be my next question best of luck to you.
should probably post more logs so others can see what is leading up to this. My issue was my NAS froze during a back up so my vm was locked I just had to open shell on that node and type "qm unlock 104" then the next backup was successful.
looks like my NAS became unresponsive. I clicked on the stop to stop the backup and then I had to restart the NAS itself
Jul 10 05:33:32 pm02 pvestatd[2277]: storage 'Backups' is not online
Jul 10 05:33:42 pm02 pvestatd[2277]: storage 'Backups' is not online
Jul 10 05:33:52 pm02 pvestatd[2277]...
Looks like it stopped as near as I can tell here a screenshot. Do I need to execute a command to check like
"# egrep '^lock: backup$' /etc/qemu-server/104.conf;"
I had a failed backup happen Monday where I had to restart the NFS that froze
Tuesday 1 vm worked and the other vm failed here is the out put it looks like its still locked.
104: Jul 11 02:13:47 INFO: Starting Backup of VM 104 (qemu)
104: Jul 11 02:13:47 INFO: status = running
104: Jul 11...
Doesn't look like anyone answered you and your thread got buried maybe acpi command wasn't accepted I am looking into this myself as I have 1 vm that was backing up fine and now isn't. My VM is windows 2012 thats having the issue maybe this article will help
Ok so I unset noout so that cleared the error but Ceph still hasn't healed. Do I need to reload ceph or will that take down the OSD's? Here is the health detail
ok cool, pm05 is a new server that we added so it was never part of ceph. The issue we have had with ceph and proxmox is it will seemingly randomly loose quorum and fence. Or I will take down 1 node for maint and it will take down another node or multiple nodes.
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