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  1. B

    Proxmox 5.1 not installing correctly?

    Looks like I just made the mistake of naming it "localhost.local" instead of a regular name.
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    Proxmox 5.1 not installing correctly?

    All screenshots can be found here: So I did a basic install of the latest 5.1 ISO available for download (also did on 5.0, same issues) on my Dell R710, all default settings. It's being installed on a 500GB 850 EVO, attached to a PERC 6/i. It is a regular virtual drive...
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    Intermittent network connection (44-50% ping loss?)

    So I can 100% confirm it's not the network connection going into the PC. I have an old dual core Dell that I installed Proxmox on w/ the same USB and same configuration... Did a ping <IP> -t and the only failed ping was the first one, which is normal. This is really confusing, no clue what part...
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    Intermittent network connection (44-50% ping loss?)

    Unfortunately I don't have any spares of either... The PSU is only about 3 weeks old, I bought it specifically for this machine...
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    Intermittent network connection (44-50% ping loss?)

    I have tried a new cable on the same switch port and the new cable on the switch port that my desktop runs on. Same thing. I'm wondering if Proxmox isn't liking my motherboard... I really can't think of anything else that would be causing this issue...
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    Intermittent network connection (44-50% ping loss?)

    So I posted on here a while ago, here's the link: I left it for a while, not touching my VM PC for about 2 weeks, until now. I booted up the system and ran a ping <IP> -t from my PC, which, left over ~10...
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    (Linux noob) Can only ping localhost - NIC problem?

    So this is a bit odd. I bought a $25 NIC from a local store and it seemed to be working. I'm able to ping it from my desktop, but it's not consistent. I did ping <ip> -t and it'll get a response a couple times, then Request Timed Out, and it then it gets responses for a bit again...
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    (Linux noob) Can only ping localhost - NIC problem?

    Which it is, but it still doesn't seem to work.
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    (Linux noob) Can only ping localhost - NIC problem?

    Thanks for the input. It is saying LOWER_UP, so what would be the issue then? Not sure if this is normal, but on installation the default IP was 192.168.100.x, but my network is 192.168.1.x... Does it matter what I set the hostname to?
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    (Linux noob) Can only ping localhost - NIC problem?

    So before we start, let me say that when it comes to Linux I don't really know what I'm doing. I just followed the instructions to install ProxMox and that's it. I configured the network correctly, my default gateway and DNS is my router's IP, my subnet is /24, and my IP is I...