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  1. romanpoe

    pve-zsync / cron

    danke! genau das war es - ein tippfehler in der "/etc/cron.d/pve-zsync", ich hab gefühlte 100x die datei gecheckt..
  2. romanpoe

    pve-zsync / cron

    Hallo zusammen, ich hab einige zfs sync jobs erstellt die auch in der cron datei /etc/cron.d/pve-zsync sichtbar sind. 0 0,6,12,18 * * * root pve-zsync sync --source --dest tank/backup --name name_hier --maxsnap 60 --method ssh --source-user root --dest-user root auch...
  3. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    problem solved with thank you all! best regards, roman
  4. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    same machine (pve4) same backup target, other VM: INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 111 --mode stop --node pve4 --remove 0 --compress lzo --storage BackUp_LNXStorage INFO: Starting Backup of VM 111 (qemu) INFO: status = running INFO: update VM 111: -lock backup INFO: backup mode: stop INFO...
  5. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    good morning, pve4ZFS is a 4TB RAID-Z2 Pool with 2 SSDs for log and cache the problem also exists on an older Nodes with ext4 (unsupported) SoftRAID 10 Today I moved the Disk from local ZFS storage to a NFS Share and changed from RAW to qcow2 and tried the Backup (Backup and NFS share are...
  6. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    yes, installed with "apt install pve-qemu-kvm-dbg" and also "apt install systemd-coredump" root@pve4:~# systemctl enable systemd-coredump@ a more precise explanation how to enable coredump would be helpful... Roman
  7. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    root@pve4:~# coredumpctl info kvm PID: 15543 (kvm) UID: 0 (root) GID: 0 (root) Signal: 11 (SEGV) Timestamp: Thu 2017-08-24 09:57:31 CEST (2min 8s ago) Command Line: /usr/bin/kvm -id 555 -chardev...
  8. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    in the meantime pve-qemu-kvm_2.9.0-4 is available in the repo, today @night I upgraded all nodes to and rebooted all nodes. first test with backup was unsuccessful: INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 555 --mode stop --remove 0 --node pve4 --compress lzo --storage BackUp_LNXStorage INFO...
  9. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    where I can get it? pve-qemu-kvm/stable,now 2.9.0-3 amd64 [installed] Full virtualization on x86 hardware pve-qemu-kvm-dbg/stable 2.9.0-3 amd64 pve qemu debugging symbols
  10. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    Hallo, ja, an allen 3 Linux VMs, verschiedene Nodes und nur beim Backup im Stop Mode
  11. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    journalctl -f Aug 17 14:37:26 pve4 pvedaemon[1098]: INFO: Starting Backup of VM 555 (qemu) Aug 17 14:37:26 pve4 qm[1103]: <root@pam> update VM 555: -lock backup Aug 17 14:37:27 pve4 qm[1112]: <root@pam> starting task UPID:pve4:0000045A:01B4D147:59958E07:qmshutdown:555:root@pam: Aug 17 14:37:27...
  12. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    are you sure...?
  13. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    there are 3 machines affected, all of them are Linux, 2 Debian (8 and 9) and one ubuntu server (16.04 LTS) - windows VMs have no problem.
  14. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    yes, without any problems - takes around 7 seconds, no error in noVNC console
  15. romanpoe

    Linux (Debian) VMs nach Backup down

    Hallo, seit nahezu 2 jahren läuft mein backup aus proxmox heraus ohne probleme, jede nacht um 02:00 Uhr werden bestimmte Linux VMs über den internen schedule gesichert. vor ein paar tagen hab ich auf proxmox 5.x hochgezogen (von der letzten 4.x Version) , seit dem werden die VMs auch korrekt...
  16. romanpoe

    shell link with error message

    have the same issue here, added the 6th node to the cluster (same procedure as always) - shell / VNC window works on all other sessions and nodes - only this one brings up the error. authentication is ad integrated but it does also not work with root and PAM
  17. romanpoe

    Win2003 and VirtiO

    hello, for a fresh installation you should setup the VM with virtio hdd bus and virtio network start installation from Windows ISO until windows is not able to see the disk, so you have to change to the driver CD iso (guess virtio-win-0.1.102 is recommended) and install the driver for Disk and...
  18. romanpoe

    Error installing Windows Qemu agent

    my procedure for Guest Agent, works on 18 Windows Boxes from XP, 7, 2008, 2008R2 to 2012R2: check if QEMU Agent on VM is disabled, if not , shutdown VM and disable installing Guest Agent as local Admin or Domain Admin completely shutdown VM again enable KVM Setting for Guest Agent starting...
  19. romanpoe

    VM Disk moved to NAS, forgot do delete Snapshot...

    the snapshot entry is gone! also removed the file, on webinterface was the unused disk visible, so i removed also this row in the config file: unused0: local:100/vm-100-disk-2.qcow2 for me the problem is solved, thank you wolfgang!