VM Disk moved to NAS, forgot do delete Snapshot...


New Member
Jun 18, 2015
Dear all,

unfortunately I forgot to delete a the snapshot of the localdisk and i migrated (without delete) the disk to the nfs share on our NAS

at the moment the (productive) machines is running with the NAS disk very well, but i am unable do delete the local stored and unused disk because of the snapshot and i can't delete the snapshot from the unused disk.

i know, my fault...

proxmox-ve-2.6.32: 3.4-159 (running kernel: 2.6.32-40-pve)
3.4-6 (running version: 3.4-6/102d4547)
pve-kernel-2.6.32-40-pve: 2.6.32-159
pve-kernel-2.6.32-39-pve: 2.6.32-157
lvm2: 2.02.98-pve4
clvm: 2.02.98-pve4
corosync-pve: 1.4.7-1
openais-pve: 1.1.4-3
libqb0: 0.11.1-2
redhat-cluster-pve: 3.2.0-2
resource-agents-pve: 3.9.2-4
fence-agents-pve: 4.0.10-2
pve-cluster: 3.0-18
qemu-server: 3.4-6
pve-firmware: 1.1-4
libpve-common-perl: 3.0-24
libpve-access-control: 3.0-16
libpve-storage-perl: 3.0-33
pve-libspice-server1: 0.12.4-3
vncterm: 1.1-8
vzctl: 4.0-1
pve6vzprocps: 2.0.11-2
vzquota: 3.1-2
pve-qemu-kvm: 2.2-10
ksm-control-daemon: 1.1-1
glusterfs-client: 3.5.2-1

thank you for your reply

Last edited:

you must do this manually.
make a copy of the config file.

 cp  /etc/pve/qemu-server/<VMID>.conf  /etc/pve/qemu-server/<VMID>.conf.old
open with a editor /etc/pve/qemu-server/<VMID>.conf
then delete all from the "[ SNAPNAME ]" to to the end.
then you can delete with rm the image local.
thank you for your fast response, just to clarify, i have to delete everything formatted bold (myQ is the snapshotname):

bootdisk: ide0
cores: 2
ide0: nfs_HardDisks:100/vm-100-disk-1.raw,format=raw,size=64G
keyboard: de
memory: 4096
name: svrMyQ
net0: virtio=56:AC:EB:2D:B4:72,bridge=vmbr0
numa: 0
onboot: 1
ostype: win7
parent: myQ
smbios1: uuid=30e176c2-d025-428d-adef-2f4d8fe897e2
sockets: 2
unused0: local:100/vm-100-disk-2.qcow2

#vor myQ upgrade
bootdisk: ide0
cores: 2
ide0: local:100/vm-100-disk-2.qcow2,format=qcow2,size=64G
ide2: none,media=cdrom
keyboard: de
memory: 6144
name: svrMyQ
net0: virtio=56:AC:EB:2D:B4:72,bridge=vmbr0
numa: 0
onboot: 1
ostype: win7
smbios1: uuid=30e176c2-d025-428d-adef-2f4d8fe897e2
snapstate: delete
snaptime: 1440581560
sockets: 2

after this i can rm/var/lib/vz/images/100/vm-100-disk-2.qcow2

or shall I do this via Webinterface and check afterwards the folder and 100.conf?

best regards

Yes erase all what is bold.

You must call rm on the terminal, because on the GUI the disk is no more a part of the vm.
the snapshot entry is gone!

also removed the file, on webinterface was the unused disk visible, so i removed also this row in the config file:

unused0: local:100/vm-100-disk-2.qcow2

for me the problem is solved, thank you wolfgang!