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  1. P

    2 server cluster with HA? Layman tutorial?

    Hello, I seek your help/suggestion. I am willing to double my web hosting (LEMP stack + some custom Linux software) cost by running two Linux virtual servers (in case each of the server needs to have same full CPU/RAM/disk specs). Otherwise in case the resources sharing/load balancing would be...
  2. P

    HA and different datacenter + IPs, how that works?

    Hello, There are several articles presenting HA functions which moves VPS from node to node if source node becomes offline (if i understand properly)... but i do not understand how networking works in this HA scenario. i have: - server from company A in USA datacenter with one IPv4 subnet -...
  3. P

    pct restore: unable to parse config line

    101 not existed, this was new server. > I guess you need to modify that file inside the archive to be able to extract it. i spent some time trying to extract is and then update it back to archive, but repeatedly ending up with error: "archive contains no configuration file" gzip -d archive.tgz...
  4. P

    How to add IP subnet /27, setup bridge ?

    I replaced my /etc/network/interfaces by Richard's "/etc/network/interfaces in Proxmox Host" content one post up, only i added line: dns-nameservers then "service networking restart" and i can create CTs (VPS's) which are connectable from/to internet. So it worked for me for...
  5. P

    pct restore: unable to parse config line

    # pct restore 101 /vzdump-3810.tgz unable to parse config line: ▒▒▒▒= i know this config line is unimportant, how can i proceed pct the restore even there is that bad config line please? Also in which file this config line is inside that openvz .tgz?
  6. P

    install without LVM

    No downtime or absolute minimum downtime backups and migration will still be available without LVM ? Or what would be the downtime for lets say 10GB data VPS please?
  7. P

    How to add IP subnet /27, setup bridge ?

    That is too general/theoretical. Please kindly write an example in which you mention interface/bridge names and IPs which i used in this case. So me and future noobs know how to exactly apply.
  8. P

    [SOLVED] How can i access VM/CT if i forgot login credentials?

    Hello, when i create a Linux VM or CT in Proxmox and forgot its SSH login credentials, how can i access files inside this VM/CT or even get access to the Linux so i can work on it? Thank You
  9. P

    How to add IP subnet /27, setup bridge ?

    Hello, i would like to ask for help on how to add IPv4 subnet/vLAN to the Proxmox so it can be used by virtual servers and how to setup bridge (if it is needed). today i installed Proxmox VE 5.0.x on Debian 9 stretch My server was assigned /29 and /27 public IPv4 subnets which i want to add to...
  10. P

    Network: "Pending changes (Please reboot to activate changes)" Can i do without reboot?

    Hello, in Proxmox i edit host server's network bridge or add new one and it says: Can i apply these changes anyhow without restarting host server and all virtual servers? --- FJFB606 says: "You have tried renaming /etc/network/ by /etc/network/interfaces, then doing...
  11. P

    WebUI connection timeout after IP change

    I had this problem too. Command "systemctl status pveproxy.service" returned "start failed - failed to get address info for: myoldhostname: Name or service not known" so i did "hostname mynewhostname" (mynewhostname do not contain any dots, should be only first part of the fqdn!), /etc/hostname...
  12. P

    How to repartition Debian install for Proxmox LVM?

    Hello, Debian stretch (9) 64bit was installed for me and i would like to install Proxmox VE on it according to this tutorial: First issue i have as a a Linux partitioning, LVM and Proxmox newbie following that tutorial is: i do...
  13. P

    How to assign internal IPv4 to a VM?

    Hello, i followed this tutorial in aim to NAT port forward IPv4 requests from host server to the KVM guest server. I do not understand how i assign internal IPv4 (example: to a KVM VM which i create in Proxmox VE. I used Virtio as a network model, vmbr0 bridge, but how i define...
  14. P

    fix for centos 7 container networking

    Thx, another option is to update vzctl. I had v4.8 and after "yum update vzctl" and fixing new vz.conf (, VPS networking also started working.
  15. P

    Hot to do installation while i have two .iso images ?

    Yes, it worked that way. Thank you all for advices.
  16. P

    How to route VPS traffic via host server interface?

    That did not worked, i also tried to add this line to eth0 after vps reboot and networks service restart on host server, VPS ping is 100% packet loos network service restart on host server: This is current network interfaces file on host server: Please...
  17. P

    How to route VPS traffic via host server interface?

    Thank You for kind advice , here is the adviced routed configuration versus present configuration of /etc/network/interfaces, can you please kindly take a look and advice?
  18. P

    How to route VPS traffic via host server interface?

    Thanks, I finished reading it, but i dont understand how to apply in my case. Would be thankfull for an example on what to do.
  19. P

    How to route VPS traffic via host server interface?

    Hello, i have host server and KVM guest Linux CentOS 5.11 VPS. ...... host server has one IP assigned + gateway IP ...... I bought additional one IP (/32), this IP dont have gateway and it is on very different subnet than my host server ...... When i asked server provider how to use that IP...