@nick.kopas Hey! i repeated everything with RX 6600, starting VM NOW! ;)
PS 6600 has actual encoder (using RX6500XT for another OEM build with 11700F) pure CPU workloads. no GPU drivers.
Additionally Proxmox VE 7.2-3 works on VEGA2 RX 6600 :)
HELP Web Interface OFFLINE due PCI VM NETWORK CONTROLLER on auto-startup!
I tried installing Pfsense and adding my 2.5Gbit Nic to it but now i cannot acces the web ui since i started the VM and it booted the web ui offline due probably noob mistake?
Auto-startup/startup on boot is ON :/
M8 no "
actual root cause. (Enabling Pre-Enroll Keys when creating the EFI partition.)" nope it's secureboot ESC+EUFIBIOS+DISABLE_SECURE_BOOT... easy as f* to just tell me to ESC but it took like 7+ hours for a reply with "seriously" ... sorry.... not enough. it's not "unappreciative" i am just...
I am getting PCIE ACCES DENIED and DENIED premissions when booting into my VM
My question: How do you disable Secure BOOT IN VM??
Well M8 i don't got this i still have fatigue and it's 34°c send help M8 i don't got time for figuring out it could take hours.... pls help.
@nick.kopas one last time how do you get new VMs without crapping VGA/PCI-E???
"Almost 99% of 15000 errors are caused by having either an old, a low end or a cloud server GPU that does not support Parsec. The other 1% is caused by not updating your drivers, or using automatic methods instead of manually searching for drivers from ']intel.com, amd.com or nvidia.com...