backups are gone and we cant see in the backups list.
all backups created by this command:
vzdump {vmNo} --mode snapshot --prune-backups keep-all=1 --storage {storage}
hello dears
we use PBS version2 with hook script to finalize process.
in PVE version 7 we cant get backup file name and this variable is null.
syntax: $ENV{TARFILE}
how can get name in this version?
thanks for your response @dietmar
but i want restore vm backup on another vm.
for example i have backup from vm 1 and now i want restore this backup on vm 2.
also i want do this action with command not pve panel.
Hello dears
i want use from PBS backup file as image to rebuild my vm with backup image.
restore command has error in this case. "VM {vmid} already exists on node"
please assist me how can i do this.
Hello Dears
i wnat add PBS storage to my server with PVE version 5.4 but i cant and get below error.
my command:
pvesm add pbs <id> --datastore <pbs-datastore-name> --server <ip-or-host> --fingerprint 00:AB:CD:... --username root@pam --password
Unknown option: datastore
i have question about --prune-backups option, this option can be set in command also can be set on storage.
i want know about different between them.
those two questions have different subjects.
now i want get datastore details on backup server not on clients and your solution is for client.
Hello dears
i want get datastore free space in PBS in CLI but i cant.
I expect getting free space with command like below but i cant:
"proxmox-backup-manager datastore show <name>"
please help me
thanks @oversite
this command work in CLI and get password in next step, i want a command to use in my php script.
do you know other solution or you can send password in command?
Hello Dears
i want to get pbs storage free space in my client but i cant.
for example : can i get json response from this command? "pvesm status --storage pbs-local"
or specific command to get my storage space to manage my backups.
Hello Dears
How can I get the size of the backup taken in the hook script?
Of course i want size of vm data that backup taken, not vm size.
my sample command: "vzdump 384286 --mode snapshot --storage pbs-local --script ~/clone/"
hook file is...
Hello dears
i have question about backup files management.
Can I say To be kept the first backup forever? And other backups To be kept once a week?
(actually my question is how can i keep one backup forever?)
my command is now:
vzdump 384286 --prune-backups keep-weekly=1 --mode snapshot...
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