Search results

  1. C

    Install of Ubuntu 24.04.1 hangs

    I tried to install Ubuntu 24.04.1 several times on a fresh promox installation, but it always hangs during the installation (see screenshot). Kubuntu 24.04.01 installs without problem. What can be the cause?
  2. C

    Nested: Error Hyper-V enlightened VMCS (hv-evmcs) requires Hyper-V virtual APIC (hv-vapic)

    I tried to enable hv-evmcs and "host" for the CPU, but the VM cannot be start of because of the error message "Hyper-V enlightened VMCS (hv-evmcs) requires Hyper-V virtual APIC (hv-vapic)". There is however not hv-apic option in the gui and this also cannot be set in the VM conf file. apicv...
  3. C

    Wrong URL in developer workstation documentation

    In the developer workstation decumentatio ( there is a wrong URL Wrong deb-src deb bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware Correct: deb-src bookworm...
  4. C

    Dual boot, GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false not working

    I want to install additional OS on the Proxmox computer, so that I can optionally booting into Windows and Kubuntu instead of Proxmox. I installed Promox and then Ubuntu, but there are no additional grub start entries at boot. Also "promox-boot-tool refresh" gives error message, that os_prober...
  5. C

    Behavior when disk full, recover possible

    When the ZFS storage gets full, the VMs running on this storage get a yellow question mark mark with "Status: io error" as a flyover message. What happens exactly? Is the io error propagated to the VM operating system or is the VM halted. What happens when there is enough space available again...
  6. C

    Mails lost when white listing in spam quarantine

    1) I had mails in the spam quarantine, so I pushed the "white list" button, but the email was NOT delivered. I also cannot find it in the tracking center or logs, so the mail was lost. I expected the button to white list AND deliver the mails. 2) A nice feature would be a button to not only...
  7. C

    PVE Datastores mit verschiedenen knotenabhängigen ZFS-Zielen

    Man kann für jeden Datastore festlegen, dass er nur auf bestimmten Knoten vorhanden ist. Ich habe aber das Problem, dass ich den Datastore zwar überall haben will, aber für jeden Knoten einen anderes ZFS-Dateisystem als Ziel brauche. Wie kann das eingerichtet werden?
  8. C

    Storage path individual for each node possible?

    I have a cluster where I want to split the system and data disk into separate pve-storages, lets say pve storage names storesys and storedata. Due to different physical ZFS storage configurations in the nodes I cannot have the same storage path on all nodes. Is it possible to have the storages...
  9. C

    sedutil does not work, kernel flag libata.allow_tpm is not set correctly

    I tried to use self encrypting disks (SED) and use the sedutil ( However I get an error message, that some kernel flag is not set correctly? What is the problem (there are others people who seem to to use sedutil successfully)...
  10. C

    Reactivate a temporarily missing disk

    How to reactivate a temporarily missing disk in a mirred pool? zpool status pool: data1 state: DEGRADED status: One or more devices could not be used because the label is missing or invalid. Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue functioning in a degraded state...
  11. C

    cryptsetup zfs does not mount all pools

    I use cryptsetup for full disk encryption. The disk has just one partition which is fully encrypted with some subpartitions in the encrypted part. The pools use these encrypted subpartitions. When the server is reboot (after entering password on the keyboard at boot time), the server does...
  12. C

    Cannot resume hibernated VM

    I suspended a VM and tried to resume it. This does not work and issues the following error: Resuming suspended VM activating and using 'vmdata1zfs:vm-113-state-suspend-2023-01-18' as vmstate kvm: Missing section footer for 0000:00:01.3/piix4_pm kvm: Error while loading VM state: Invalid...
  13. C

    [SOLVED] Any implicted sync rate limit?

    I have a remote PBS which syncs a local PBS. The transferrate from the GUI is almost exatly 5MB/s. Is there any implicit limit at 5MB/s or how can this constant transferrate be explained?
  14. C

    Proxmox Host with DHCP

    Is it possible to use the proxmox host with DHCP, so it could be moved without configuration to different networks? The internal VM-guest network should have a private address with masquerade for internet access.
  15. C

    Backup jobs breaks with connection refused

    I have a SSH tunnel from the Remote PBS port 8008 to the local PBS port 8007. The Remote PBS should sync the backups from the local PBS via this tunnel. However the sync jobs breaks after 30-120 min with the following error message: error trying to connect: error connecting to...
  16. C

    How to install KODI/LibreELEC on Proxmox, reboot loop

    I tried to import the LibreELEC ova into proxmox and it starts, displayes the LibreELEC logo but then reboots. For the graphics card I used VirtIO-GPU 256MB or 512MB. Any suggestions how to the it running?
  17. C

    Improvement: Remove fancy graphic in proxmox-backup-client list

    The promox-backup-client list or prune commandos outputs lists with fancy ascii graphics, which consumes unnecessary space in a terminal and makes it difficult to read, search and parse for further processing. It is also very uncommon for linux commandos doing this type of formatting and I can...
  18. C

    Please add ability filter tasks by backup-group or description

    Currently it is not possible to filter tasks by backup group or description. Filtering by description would suffice, as the backup group is mentioned there. Could you please add this possibility?
  19. C

    [SOLVED] HTML-Links im Feld Hinweise möglich?

    Es wäre sehr praktisch, wenn man im Feld Hinweise, klickbare HTML-Links einfügen könnte, die bei Klick ein neues Fenster oder einen neuen Tab mit der URL aufmacht. Konkret die Admin oder Service-URLs,die von dieser Mascheine zur Verfügung gestellt werden kann. URLs könnten automatisch erkannt...
  20. C

    [SOLVED] ENOSPC No space left on device during garbage collect

    How much free space does the garbage collect need? I got the following error during garbage collect, while having 16GB free on root und 6 GB free on the backup drive: 2021-07-31T14:34:18+02:00: starting garbage collection on store pvebackup 2021-07-31T14:34:18+02:00: Start GC phase1 (mark used...