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  1. UdoB

    [TUTORIAL] FabU: no network connectivity after installation (or after switching the router) = can not load the Web Gui in a browser

    05.01.2025 - work-in-progress = definitely not complete... During installation you were asked for Hostname(FQDN), IP address, Netmask, Gateway and DNS Server. The values you enter must fit to your local network. You can not simply wish to use a random IP address like ;-) Assumptions...
  2. UdoB

    [TUTORIAL] FabU: This is just a small setup with limited resources and only a few disks, should I use ZFS at all?

    Should I use ZFS at all? For once this requires a disclaimer first: I am using ZFS nearly everywhere, where it is easily possible, though exceptions do exists. In any case I am definitely biased pro ZFS. That said..., the correct answer is obviously: “Yes, of course” ;-) Integrity ZFS assures...
  3. UdoB

    [TUTORIAL] FabU: Can I use ZFS RaidZ for my VMs?

    Assumption: you use at least four identical devices for that. Mirrors, RaidZ, RaidZ2 are possible - theoretically. Technically correct answer: yes, it works. But the right answers is: no, do not do that! The recommendation is very clear: use “striped mirrors”. This results in something similar...
  4. UdoB

    [TUTORIAL] FabU: can I use Ceph in a _very_ small cluster?

    Ceph is great, but it needs some resources above the theoretical minimum to work reliably. My assumptions for the following text: you want to use Ceph because... why not? you want to use High Availability - which requires Shared Storage (note that a complete solution needs more things like a...
  5. UdoB

    [TUTORIAL] FabU: Restore a file from a vzdump/vma backup on the CLI

    Preface While I am basically sure this is documented somewhere I was not able to find a compact guide. And I was never in a situation where this was necessary... yet. What I had found is and the man-pages of the required commands, but no “walk-through”...
  6. UdoB

    [TUTORIAL] FabU: Copy files between Host and a VM by using 9p (to/from Linux for now...)

    How can I copy files between the PVE Host and a VM? There are many ways, ssh/sshfs being the recommendation usually. One possible alternative does not need a network: 9p. this is for temporary usage e.g. maintenance or initial setup. 9p is local, so the VM can not migrate anymore for this...
  7. UdoB

    [SOLVED] FYI: do not extend Ceph with OSDs connected via USB

    Just written down for your amusement, on a lazy, dark and rainy Sunday afternoon: Someone (me) might try to extend a Ceph cluster by adding NVMe (or other SSDs) via USB3 Adapters. For a small homelab this should be feasable, isn't it? My three PVE nodes already run a single Ceph OSD on an...
  8. UdoB

    [SOLVED] How to restore a VM from encrypted PBS via CLI?

    Good morning, this is for preparation of a desaster recovery, I am just evaluating ways to handle a problematic situation. Let's assume I have a dead PVE a working PBS another PVE Node (in another unrelated Cluster) to run a restored VM; already connected to PBS - but with a different...
  9. UdoB

    [SOLVED] Mixed cluster with Intel+Amd: any chance for live migration? [Solved by: not really possible]

    Hello everybody, while there are already several threads regarding Intel & Amd in a mixed cluster I am not sure about the current state. Most threads I've read drift away in one or another direction. So please forgive me if you feel this has already been discussed enough... My cluster is...
  10. UdoB

    [SOLVED] How can I specifiy a nominal speed of a kvm virtio NIC?

    Good morning, while expanding monitoring of my PVE systems I am stumbling over a (for me) problematic detail: the reported speed of a virtual NIC is always "10", which means 10 MBit/s. Specifically the host tells me this for any VM: root@pm1:~# cat /sys/class/net/tap110i0/speed 10 Just for...
  11. UdoB

    Datastore - emulating one by another?

    Good morning, here is a little sunday morning story with a question regarding Datastore emulation: My homelab is growing - while I am evaluating options to shrink it down for power consumption reasons. Growing is not always linear and with different new (in this case: used) hardware come new...
  12. UdoB

    Startup Sequence Overview?

    Hello, some of my VMs shall start when a host starts up. For this there is per VM --> "Options" --> "Start/Shutdown Order". Works fine :) To rearrange that sequence I would like to get an overview regarding this timing and order. Is there a way to show that information in a table...
  13. UdoB

    Container --> Options --> Features --> CIFS ???

    Hello, when I configure a Container on the latest PVE 7.0-11 I see some checkboxes/flags under --> Options --> Features (Nesting/NFS/CIFS/FUSE/Create Device Nodes). The corresponding documentation is --> 11.10.3. Options...
  14. UdoB

    [SOLVED] Which services are safe to restart on a running system?

    After software updates I always do check for services to require a restart: ~# needrestart # take a look and then select CANCEL (or use "-b -l") ... Restarting services... Service restarts being deferred: systemctl restart corosync.service systemctl restart pve-firewall.service systemctl...