Search results

  1. T

    Update to PVE >= 8.2 recommended?

    Hello, the last months I followed the discussions on Proxmox VE 8.2 released! and skipped the update of my PVE instance so far. I am still afraid, that updating my server to the latest available updates on the No Subscription Repo could break my system and to be honest, I feel I am not really...
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    Disabling unused PCIe cards?

    Hello, is Proxmox VE able to "disable / unpower / send to deep sleep" a PCIe card if the VM to which the card is passed through is powered off? Thanks a lot in advance, Thomas
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    Start on Boot - Global Disable?

    Hello, when changing the configuration on the PVE host (e.g. network settings) it makes sometimes sense to not run the VMs. Is there a possibility to "globally disable" the "Start on Boot" for all VMs and LXCs, without the need to disable the option for each VM/LXC separately? Thanks, Thomas
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    PVE Backup Job Retention vs. PBS Prune Job

    Hello, my PVE uses the PBS for storing the backups. To limit the diskspace consumption of my automatically created VM/LXC backups, I would like to delete them after some time using some kind of retention policy. To configure this I could use the Backup Job Retention settings in PVE or a Prune...
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    Request for Hardware Recommendations

    Hello, at the moment I am thinking about shifting my Proxmox VE to a new server. First some information about my system running at the moment: Mainboard: GA-MA69G-S3H CPU: Intel Core i5-4690S (old CPU model from the year 2014) The system runs with 7 VMs and 4 LXCs at around 40% CPU load. The...
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    CPU Recommendations for Low Power System

    Hello, my current system runs PVE with 7 VMs and 4 LXCs on a Intel Core i5-4690S @ 3.2 GHz with a CPU load of around 40% over all 4 cores. I am planning a new system which shall be a bit faster but also consuming less power. The system shall have ECC RAM and my preferred CPU would be a Xeon or...
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    [SOLVED] Split VLAN Trunk into multiple Access Port Bridges

    Hello, I read a lot about the network configuration and VLANs in Proxmox VE, but there is still one point I don't understand. Is it possible to receive a VLAN Trunk on one hardware NIC with Proxmox VE and split the VLANs to different Virtual Bridges where each Bridge acts as an Access Ports for...
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    PVE nested inside Hyper-V: Preferred Storage Configuration

    Hi, currently I am running PVE nested inside Hyper-V on a Win10 Pro machine. I know this is not perfect, but at the moment I have no option to run a bare-metal machine and have to use the Win10 machine :(. What is the preferred configuration of the PVE storage in this case? Shall I add a...
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    Does PMG Fetchmail support IMAP IDLE?

    Hello, is it possible to use IMAP IDLE with the fetchmail implementation in PMG? At least I found nothing in In case it will be possible, could PMG run multiple instances of fetchmail to use IMAP IDLE for 2-3 accounts...
  10. T

    Multiple Network Interfaces or Single Trunk Interface?

    Hello, if a PVE VM shall be connected to multiple subnets, is it preferred to add multiple network interfaces to the VM and letting PVE handle the VLAN filtering or would it be better to simply give a single network interface to the VM and forwarding a whole trunk to the VM? For me, the...
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    Verify Job - E-Mail only if job fails

    Hi, I have a verify job on my Proxmox Backup Server which sends me an "Verify Datastore 'xxxx' successful" E-Mail after each run. Is it somehow possible to configure the verify job, that this mail is only send on failure? Thanks, Thomas
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    Correct way to edit cron jobs?

    Hi, what is the correct way to edit cron jobs on the Proxmox host? In the file "/etc/crontab" I can see some default content: root@pve:~# cat /etc/crontab # /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab # Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab' # command to install the new version...
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    Cronjob: Send mail only on fail

    Hello, is there a possibility when running a cron job to only send the E-Mail at the end if the cron job has failed? I'm thinking of a feature, that depending on the return value of the executed command/script the E-Mail is generated or not. Thanks a lot in advance, Thomas
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    Bridged Network - Gateway not reachable

    Hi, my Proxmox VE is running as a nested VM on top of Hyper-V and inside PVE a Debian VM is running. Graphically it looks like this: Router ( ---- Hyper-V Switch (Windows ---- Hyper-V VM with Proxmox VE ( --- PVE VM with Debian ( The...
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    VM always going into UEFI Interactive Shell

    Hi, currently I am trying to migrate a Hyper-V machine that is UEFI based to Proxmox. So far I was able to create the VM in Proxmox and also converting the disk image. When I start the VM the machine goes into the "UEFI Interactive Shell" all the time. If I execute FS0:/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi...
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    Multiple Smarthosts based on sender E-Mail address

    Hi, is it possible to have multiple smarthosts (outgoing SMTP servers), based on the E-Mail address of the sender? For example: Mails from the address shall be forwarded to a SMTP server of GMX mail. Mails from the address shall be...
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    Power Consumption on Atom C3558

    Hi, currently I'm running OPNsense bare-metal on an Atom C3558 and the system consumes around 20 watt all the time. I would like to virtualize OPNsense via Proxmox on the same hardware to be more flexible with configuration changes and I also want to play with pfSense. Therefore, does someone...
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    Startup/Shutdown Sync between NAS & Proxmox VE

    Hello, I am wondering which options we have for a Proxmox VE machine which has all VM located on a NAS (connected via NFS) to synchronize the startups and shutdowns of both system. I already searched here in the forum and also googled about the topic, without finding real solutions so far. Most...
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    What's your Idle Power Consumption?

    Hello, I'm struggling with the selection of my Proxmox hardware, especially the mainboard and CPU. Usually my VMs and containers will idle most of the time and it is really hard to find information about the idle / low load power consumptions of the systems. Therefore, could you please post the...
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    Request for Hardware Recommendations

    Hello, currently I am struggling with the planning of my Proxmox system. My plan is to run the following services on Proxmox VE: Virtual Machines Ubuntu with Docker (maybe some LXCs instead) Portainer UniFi Controller GitLab Webserver (private use) Possibly a NVR in the future (maybe...