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  1. G

    How to Add VM Name to Notes when viewing backups in PVE

    Thanks very much for providing this link for me. Cheers!
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    How to Add VM Name to Notes when viewing backups in PVE

    OMG! I never noticed those tabs before! And lookinng at my standalone server I do have that guestname in the notes field? I didn't add that so I don't know how it got there? But I've now added this to my cluster backups...Thank you very much for making me aware of these notes and how to add...
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    How to Add VM Name to Notes when viewing backups in PVE

    Hello @cwt , thank you for your reply! I don't think I added this to my standalone PVE server when i run backup to my PBS. Where can I add {{guestname}} in my backup settings? Where are these backup settings found and how do I add this settings. FYI, I schedule my backups from Datacenter >...
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    How to Add VM Name to Notes when viewing backups in PVE

    Hello Forum, I'm using PBS with my PVE cluster. I also have one PVE server that is standalone (not in the cluster). I backup to a PBS server from both the standalone server and the cluster. I've noticed that when I backup from the standalone server, and when I look at the PVE storage for my...
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    Updating kernel 5.19 when using the pve.kernel-5.19 package

    Hello and thanks very much for this reply! So will I just need to keep upgrading the kernel to the latest available to keep my kernel patched? Is there any risks to using these newer kernel versions? Is there any place on the forums or from proxmox where I can keep up to date on which...
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    Updating kernel 5.19 when using the pve.kernel-5.19 package

    Hello Forum, I'm testing the upgrade of my PVE test node to use kernel 5.19 to fix an issue I've been having with my PBS backups. So far my backup problems are resolved now that I've upgraded this host to kernel 5.19. But I've noticed that if I use the standard apt dist-upgrade command this...
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    Zabbix Template - Proxmox VE by HTTP - not working to provide data

    Hello @vashvampir , have you made any progress on why the PBS template is missing some data in my latest data? I still think there is a permission problem in the template being able to retrieve the data it is looking for. Thank you.
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    Zabbix Template - Proxmox VE by HTTP - not working to provide data

    Hello @garbled , I appreciate you confirming what you did. I also have had success in adding the PVE by HTTP template to my Proxmox Servers (all 9 are working great!). I also have Zabbix 6 LTS and my Proxmox is version 7.2.11. There is a PBS template as well created by @vashvampir who has...
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    Zabbix Template - Proxmox VE by HTTP - not working to provide data

    Hello @garbled , appreciate your input. Please confirm though what you did. Here is what I've done: On my PBS Server I have done the following: Created a user called pbs-user@pbs. Created an API token for this pbs-user. In Permissions I added an API Token Permission for pbs-user. The...
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    Zabbix Template - Proxmox VE by HTTP - not working to provide data

    Hello @vashvampir No need to apologize. You've provided this for us all free of charge and are still supporting my questions. I really appreciate you doing that for me and for everyone else's benefit. Thank you! Thank you for your explanation as to why some of the items are testable from...
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    Zabbix Template - Proxmox VE by HTTP - not working to provide data

    Hello @vashvampir , Thanks very much for your reply to my post and github post...I really appreciate your input and for providing this template for all to use. I've added more than what was required to the permissions on my PBS server. I've added Admin in fact to each of the 3 Path's you've...
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    Zabbix Template - Proxmox VE by HTTP - not working to provide data

    Thanks for the reply @Dunuin , I found my issue. I'm using the Proxmox PVE HTTP template that comes with Zabbix 6. Did @vashvampir originally create this template? If so Wow! Nice work. My issue was related to the permissions of the API token. In addition to creating the token I also had to...
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    Zabbix Template - Proxmox VE by HTTP - not working to provide data

    Thanks for the reply @Dunuin . I wasn't aware of this earlier version of the same template. I tried importing this template you've linked into my Zabbix 6 but I receiving an error for an "Invalid parameter" Invalid parameter "/12/params": incorrect expression starting from...
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    Zabbix Template - Proxmox VE by HTTP - not working to provide data

    I don't think it's a permission issue although it could be a problem with how the template can connect to the Proxmox API that is giving the 403 error. I have done a lot more digging. I found this post that outlines - Where it provides very good...
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    Zabbix Template - Proxmox VE by HTTP - not working to provide data

    Hello Forum, I'm hoping someone can assist or point me in the right direction on how to get monitoring from Zabbix to my Proxmox servers working. I found this post in the Proxmox forums related to what I'm doing. The solution was to re-issue the API key. I've tried this but I still can't get...
  16. G

    PBS Verify Job at custom time range

    Yeah it appears we can. I would like a Proxmox Admin or someone to confirm for me the changes we can make. for example, if I wanted a task to run every 4 hours I think I would write it out as follows: 0/4:00 And if I wanted a task to run every 1.5 hours I would write it out as follows...
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    PBS Verify Job at custom time range

    If I'm not mistaken you can set your own time range on when PBS jobs will run in the GUI. I've set my Pruning to run every 2 hours and my GB to run every 4 hours using 0/4:00 Hopefully a Proxmox Admin can comment and confirm.
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    Zabbix template/plugin to monitor various backup activities on Proxmox

    Hmmm, I should have looked more carefully! :) I found this page for the PBS API Veiwer: What I notice is that PBS does not have something similar to pvesh like in PVE. So instead I just see HTTP commands to use. But how do I issue...
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    Zabbix template/plugin to monitor various backup activities on Proxmox

    Wow @UdoB , thanks very much for this reply! Sadly I'm not a developer so I'm not sure how I can use this to achieve what I need. But this information does seem very helpful! This got me looking for a similar API viewer for PBS. I'm not seeing one available from modifying the link you've...
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    Zabbix template/plugin to monitor various backup activities on Proxmox

    If no template exists, is there any documentation I can be pointed to on if I was to use a script or bash how can I extract from my PVE host and my PBS servers the status of these tasks I want to monitor in Zabbix: status of backups (success or fail) status of proxmox backup server jobs such...