How to Add VM Name to Notes when viewing backups in PVE


Renowned Member
Apr 13, 2012
Hello Forum,

I'm using PBS with my PVE cluster. I also have one PVE server that is standalone (not in the cluster). I backup to a PBS server from both the standalone server and the cluster.

I've noticed that when I backup from the standalone server, and when I look at the PVE storage for my PBS server, I can see the name of the VM under Notes. But when I backup from my cluster, I do not see the VM name under Notes. See picture below.

Is there a setting in PVE or PBS that adds the PVE name to the Notes?


Thank you in advance for an advice you can provide me.
Did you try adding


in your backup settings?
Hello @cwt , thank you for your reply!

I don't think I added this to my standalone PVE server when i run backup to my PBS. Where can I add {{guestname}} in my backup settings? Where are these backup settings found and how do I add this settings.

FYI, I schedule my backups from Datacenter > Backup.

Thank you!
In the section "Note Template" you can add multiple values:

{{cluster}}, {{guestname}}, {{node}}, {{vmid}}

You can arrange these values according to your needs, for example:

{{cluster}}, {{node}}, {{vmid}}, {{guestname}}

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OMG! I never noticed those tabs before! And lookinng at my standalone server I do have that guestname in the notes field? I didn't add that so I don't know how it got there? But I've now added this to my cluster backups...Thank you very much for making me aware of these notes and how to add them!

Where did you find these options for notes? Are there more perhaps?

Thank you!