I am horrible about asking for advise and even worse at documenting what steps I have taken to try and solve problems.
I just installed Proxmox 8.2.7 on a 6 node cluster. Every single things appears to be working fine. I can access GUI and SSH. Evry node can resolve addresses and I am able to...
I was also hung at the 3% cell+alt+f2 shows that it is converting pve/data to thin pools also see event 4 and 5 that my mouse and keyboard are lagging behind to slow? I’ll see if the install completes
To anyone that tried to make sense of my problem, I appreciate tour time. After a number of HOURS i figured my problem out. It was an issue with my router. I had previously bound the mac and ip address of this node, to an entirely different machine. Once I cleared it out all problems were...
I see my web GUI. I am trying to get across that ssh and http(s) are working from this node but ping and network access fail. My router doesn't even show that this node is connected to it in anyway? I don't even see how this is possible? I have turned off firewall and still have same issue?
No one else? I know it's the holiday season and wish you all blessings and a prosperous New year.If I am slow to respond it's only because of the holidays
nmap scan from the troubled node , of the troubled node (
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-11-23 17:43 MST
Nmap scan report for dl380G7.lan (
Host is up (0.000011s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed tcp ports (reset)
I have tailscale installed on 4 of my other nodes, but I have 1 node that doesn't have tailscale yet and with the same resolv.conf and I have no problems with it
ping any internal or external address are always 100% packet loss
Try to ping this node and I get 100% packet loss
Web GUI is...
I am still an amateur at Linux networking, but I am learning. I have 6 nodes in my cluster. All have Proxmox 8. 1 node isn't showing up on my router or switches. The web interface works fine and I am able to log into it. I am unable to ping anything from the faulty node, nothing inside or...
This is my next problem after
root@hpdl380:~# sudo apt-get update
Hit:1 http://repo.netdata.cloud/repos/edge/debian bookworm/ InRelease
Hit:2 http://repo.netdata.cloud/repos/repoconfig/debian bookworm/ InRelease
Hit:3 http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve...
Sorry to waste everyone's time but I AM LOST.
Just when I think that I have a god grasp on Linux something always happens to humble me.
I was trying to save some work so I found a method to upgrade to 8, somewhere in those instructions I was instructed to remove proxmox-ve? Why did I do it...
root@apple:~# df /
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/pve-root 28465204 27090668 0 100%
This node is an older Apple with a 256g NVME and a TB hard drive. My ISO's are whats taking that space I can see that. If I could move my ISO's to the...
You guys are going to hate my guts, but I am a NEWBY . I have learned a lot about Linux in last year, but I have absolutely no programming experience and I am not sure how to add HTML tags to my post. I have spent the last year self teaching network security and I am just getting started on...
So I ran the commands. Then I ran apt-get update && apt-get full-upgrade -y and I get this error. I am so sorry as I am still learning Linux and I can't express my thanks enough for your assistance with this issue
root@apple:~# lvextend -L +1G /dev/vmdata/vmstore_tmeta
Size of logical volume...
I have ran out of storage space. I havce a second drive but I can't seem to figure out how to move or extend to the second drive so I can update and install ceph. My scans are listed below. Any help would be greatly appreciated
root@apple:~# pvscan
PV /dev/sdb1 VG vmdata lvm2...
And I just tried to login using the numbers instead of the shift function for special characters and it worked just fine. Any suggestions about how to fix the issue of the special characters not working? every key is correct except using shift to use special characters?
I honestly never considered the keyboard layout. I have noticed that the special characters are not working on my keyboard. I never considered the fact that keyboards may be read differently. I will check the keyboard layouts and report back. Thanks guys, I could never had made it as far as I...
I don't know if this is a bug or by design
I have several laptops that I use to log into Proxmox. I used one machine to install and set up all my VM's. I was successful at rebooting and logging back into all of them. If I use a different laptop to access my VM's I am not able to log in with...
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