For anyone else who'll come here looking for solution: it seems that [lxc monitor] process is to blame for an undead container.
Do 'ps aux | grep [container ID]', and then kill [lxc monitor] process with -9.
All right, so I modified /etc/lvm/lvm.conf with the following filter:
global_filter = [ "r|/dev/sda*|", "r|/dev/zd.*|", "r|/dev/mapper/pve-.*|" "r|/dev/mapper/.*-(vm|base)--[0-9]+--disk--[0-9]+|"] - after this dstat shows way less io on the drive (for me it's /dev/sda).
Then I downloaded...
Thanks for the reminder, but I have good experience with that - I haven't had a drive failed due to this, and I'm putting my drives to sleep for the past 20+ years :-)
I see that the topic gets mulled over and over again, but there's no clear solution I found.
One of my drives is used for XPenology, and it really should only be working 2-3 hours a day. Unfortunately I'm using Atom J1900, which means I have no IOMMU that could be used to pass the controller to...
My setup:
- ZFS pool on rust (spinning harddrive) named rpool (also root filesystem)
- ZFS pool on SSD named rpool-ssd
- NFS share on Synology
- I'm using ayufan's patches for diff backup
I have setup my VMs on rpool-ssd, the CTs were initially on rpool, but I migrated them.
CTs are working...
I'm not sure if this will still be useful for you, but in my case the problem has been solved by updating ZFS cache file:
zpool set cachefile=/etc/zfs/zpool.cache <tank>
I tested all the other methods listed on this forum, none of them worked.
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