It sure doesn't. As soon, as ZFS has put data on the drive, which happens almost instantly, ZFS won't let you remove the drive. You will have no choice but to perform a clean backup from the pool and destroy it. If you can pop in another drive, which is big enough to hold all the data, I'd...
isn't this the same as the original post? No new information, so I will cut that short… if your setup has been only relying on a simple zpool made from the 2 sata 2TB drives, then - as LnxBill already pointed out - your data is entirely lost and nothing can be done about that. If your...
Thanks - I tried that, but upon booting I am getting a BSOD with "Inaccessible Boot Device". Looks like there's something still missing. Now that I have switched back from virtio fpr the drive, but still having VirtIO as the SCSI-Controller, Windows is trying to load files for automatic repair.
No, unfortuanetly, this doesn't shed any light on whats going on. I have noted the time when the guest had startet - 08.57:02 and when the Konsole showed the kernel booting - 08:58:02. When the guest became ready I logged in and issued a journalctl -b and that went like this:
-- Logs begin at...
From which host? The guest (after ithas started) or the Proxmox-Server?
The guest's output goes like this:
root@privacyidea:~# cat /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-88-generic root=/dev/mapper/privacyidea--vg-root ro
Thanks for the suggestions. I checked the boot arguments, but the quiet flag isn't even present. However, when I managed to get to the screen, where I can choose which kernel to load the boot process hangs at "Loading initial ramdisk". This is what seems to take a long time. Afterwards the...
I have migrated some guests from my OracleVM (Xen) to Proxmox. Amongst them are two Ubuntu 18.0.4 guests, which started up under Xen in, well… usual speeds. However, starting these guests under KVM/Proxmox causes them to take a long time (up to 150s) to begin the actual boot process, such as...
Well… ZFS - and that goes for Ceph as well, both ensure that the data has made it onto the disks correctly. If you do have a (caching) HW-RAID controller between the disks and ZFS/Ceph, it may be that some operations are flagged to be on stable storage, when they in fact aren't. It may not be of...
The time a backup takes depends on a number of factors, like available RAM, kind of zpool and drives. Afair, backups that final size took only a couple of minutes max on my PVE system.
Well… you spare yourself the hassle of having to install a base OS and then install Proxmox onto it all by yourself. This is what the pve installer provides you with and I can see a good number of people who want to have Proxmox installed, but either don't want the additional effort to maintain...
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