I just ran "apt install python3-distutils" on all nodes in my cluster, and I am still seeing that error.
I even rebooted the node, same error.
Any thoughts?
I've rebuilt a new Proxmox 6.2/Ceph 15.2.6 cluster, and I noticed this error both in the UI, and under ceph health:
# ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN Module 'volumes' has failed dependency: No module named 'distutils.util'
[WRN] MGR_MODULE_DEPENDENCY: Module 'volumes' has failed...
I am trying to setup a new VM with Windows 7 under Proxmox. As per the wiki, I am attempting to install the following four drivers - balloon, NetKVM, virtioscsi and virtioserial.
However, I am having issues finding a Virtio driver version that actually works.
If I use virtio version...
Awesome - thank you!.
Glad we found the root cause.
One other question - for pveceph createpool - is there any argument to set the auto-scale behaviour at creation time? I couldn't find anything listed on the docs about autoscaling.
Hi Alwin,
Thanks for the suggestion - however, I do not believe this is a caching issue, as I have also verified the error using CLI tools only.
Also, I tested this with Chrome Incognito mode, which I believe should rule out caching issues.
Here are my reproduction steps on Proxmox 6.2:
Thanks for replying! However, I think there is some misunderstanding.
To clarify - the "vm_storage" does appear in the Proxmox web UI, under the list of Ceph pools.
However, it does not appear on the left hand side, where it lists all the types of storage available to Proxmox.
I've added...
I've just setup a new Proxmox 6.2 cluster with Ceph Octopus.
I've added a new Ceph RBD pool, and made sure to enable to add_storages:
# pveceph createpool vm_storage --add_storages 1 --pg_num 1024
However, the new pool isn't appearing on the dropdown of available storage - I only see...
I've setup a new 4-node Proxmox/Ceph cluster.
I have run pveceph install on each node.
I have also setup ceph mon and ceph mgr on each node.
Here is the output of /etc/pve/ceph.conf:
# cat /etc/pve/ceph.conf
auth_client_required = cephx
auth_cluster_required = cephx...
Right - but using that command (ceph-volume) only lets you create multiple OSDs on a single device.
It doesn't let you assign the WAL/DB location to a different device as far as I can tell?
That's why I'm manually creating the partitions myself, then using pveceph osd create - since that does...
I'm trying to setup a new 4-node Proxmox/Ceph cluster.
Each node has 6 x NVMe SSDs, as well as an Intel Optane drive (used for WAL/DB).
I have partitioned each NVMe SSD like so:
parted /dev/nvme6n1 mklabel gpt
parted -a optimal /dev/nvme6n1 mkpart primary 0% 25%
parted -a optimal /dev/nvme6n1...
Extending the above - is there way a way to create multiple OSDs, as well as a separate disk for WAL/DB?
Previously, I used the ceph-volume command to create multiple OSDs per disk:
ceph-volume lvm batch --osds-per-device 4 /dev/nvme0n1
Alternatively I have used the pveceph command to...
I saw that Ceph Octopus 15.2.5 was released a couple of weeks back.
Is there any chance that the Proxmox Ceph Octopus repos:
could be updated to 15.2.5?
I can confirm this fixed the issue - I just assumed that apt would automatically pick the most recent package, I didn't realise that having both would cause some kind of weird issue.
I have a 3-node Promox (6.2) cluster running Ceph (Octopus) as well.
For some reason - I have two packages that refuse to update.
Proxmox (and apt) tell me there are updated versions - but every time I run an Upgrade (either via the Proxmox UI) or using apt dist-upgrade, those two refuse to...
I'm interested in this as well.
mentions that you can use the following command to check if SEV is support:
virsh domcapabilities
However, this depends on libvirt - which is obviously not present in Proxmox. Is it possible to install the libvirt tools...
Currently, I'm using the normal Proxmox ISO installer, to setup some small Promox/Ceph clusters for testing.
However, I was wondering what are the pros/cons of this, versus installing vanilla Debian, and the Proxmox packages on top of that?
One of our pain points is that Proxmox ISO...
I'm a bit confused about what the current TRIM/discard support
My understanding is that enabling the "Discard" checkbox in Proxmox will enable the VM to call "TRIM", and return back unused blocks - which on storage like ZFS (which supports thin-provisioning), can reduce the amount of...
Hmm for myself - I seem to have files mostly from 2020-07-08 (i.e. around a week ago) up to today - along with some random files from around 2020-03-23:
# find /var/log/pve/tasks -exec stat -c %x {} \; | sort
2020-03-23 07:09:47.468022365 +1100
2020-03-23 07:13:52.528000551 +1100
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