Well, if you have 30k$ Budget, there comes the question : "make or buy ?"
I was in a similar situation as you and I decided for "buy"
If you buy, you get certified and supported components for your infrastructure. it cost maybe a bit more, but if you've got troubles with the HW, you may a...
I maybe a broken SATA cable can cause this or maybe you need to replace the Harddrive sooner or later. I would contact your vendor and ask for warranty replacement - if you have still warranty on that drive.
I'm not sure, but if the following values grow , you might have an issue with the disk in general
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f 117 099 006 Pre-fail Always - 121180352
7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f 078 060 030 Pre-fail Always - 62861687...
The 3ware WebGUI is not part of proxmox, nor part of the official Debian Distro.
Please visit the following website and download the packages you need : http://jonas.genannt.name/
My plan B would be:
1. visit http://backports-master.debian.org/ maybe you'll find the needed perl-plugins.
2. visit the HP community/Support Forum
3. visit the Nagios community/Support Forum
Maybe you'll find there a solution.
Happy day
From time to time I see the following message in my syslog
Dec 6 13:37:14 vmonster kernel: CE: hpet6 increasing min_delta_ns to 50624 nsec
what I found so far is more ubuntu related :https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/270798
Is this still a known issue ...
I just used google and found the following answer, I dont know if true:
For 32-bit CPUs on 2.6 kernels, the maximum LV size is 16TB.
For 64-bit CPUs on 2.6 kernels, the maximum LV size is 8EB. (Yes, that is a very large number.)
For 2.4 based...
Hello Beta 17
Best performance you will have if you consider to invest some money in a real Hardware Raid controller. Do not use Software Raid if you like to have fun with your server.
If you go for a Hardware Raid controller, check the compatibility of the vendor for The supported Hard drives.
As tom mentioned. go for a good NIC or compile yourself a better r8168 driver version. (yes r8168 works as well - and better)
It is known by the community, that Realtek does not has a good driver implementation in "old" kernels.
On my cheap Testing Server, which also has a onboard Realtek NIC, I...
I've had similar issues in the past, even using a 3ware controller with write cache eneabled. There are serveral ways to tune the I/O performance of your disks. most of the time slow disk performance are because of the I/O wait state. you can check this by using the the tool "dstat"
I use the .deb from http://jonas.genannt.name/ they work pretty good.
take care if you upgrade your 3ware controller to the latest 9.5.3 Firmware Release. the 3dm2 may not work then properly.
Good Morning
As proposed, go with a Intel NIC. use a dual port NIC
There is a known issue with the current build in Realtek driver RTL8111/8168B
If the Realtek NIC is under heavy traffic the the stability is flaky and the eth0 link goes up and down. (timeouts)
you need to compile the latest...
I think you are talking about this http://www.3ware.com/KB/article.aspx?id=11050 A very good tip ! Read the PDF file at the end of the article. This helps testing your controller. this performance tips are not only for 3ware equipment. It helps you in general improving your I/O.
If you really like to have a good linux supported hardware raid controller - choose the products from http://www.3ware.com/ . the are not cheap, but you wont have any problem for a long time. Before I moved to those controllers, I struggled a lot with various other vendors. I dont have shares of...
Good morning
As a Debian based system I would expect a "expert" installer, which allows you to do the same installation and partitioning menu as the native Debain system.
Installing first the native OS and then PVE in a second step is just a workaround and not official supported as far as I...
I've had the same problem with my ASUS P7P55D Deluxe Motherboard. I defined a RAID5 with 4 disks in the onboard RAID Bios. at the end I could not choose one big partition. The PVE installer just gave me 4 possible disks to choose for installation.
I think the PVE installer should be improved a...
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