VM.Config.Options is the minimum permission to edit a vm config, so thats at minimum needed for tags. The idea was that by default, users will be able to set any tags
since we want to be able to do some actions based on tags in the future (e.g. backups) there must be a mechanism that users...
it's a bit of an older version, i'd recommend upgrading
then it's probably a configuration issue inside the vm, since e1000 should work out of the box in windows and the config looks normal
so from what i understand networking does not work when you boot up normally?
what is the vm config (qm config ID) ?
what is the output of `pveversion -v` ?
did you try with different network models for the vm (e.g. e1000 instead of virtio) ?
everything the GUI does is done via the API, importing included
first the gui checks this api endpoint:
which returns some metadata about the import. It then calculates some values on...
it seems this is currently not implemented (yet), see e.g. https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5420 for a related issue, maybe add your comment there, so we can see the demand of such a thing
etckeeper is not contained in a default pve installation, but it simply seems that the folder /etc/pve is not configured there
note that /etc/pve is it's own (special) filesystem though, not just a bunch of files
as the docs describe: https://pbs.proxmox.com/docs/backup-client.html#creating-backups
you have to give a 'backupspec' either a '.pxar' or a '.img' file
in both cases you have to make sure the source is consistent (e.g. an img file of a running vm will probably be corrupted if backed up in this...
yes, but it seems it isn't in 'auto' mode already
are they working on the host alone without passing through?
are they behaving the described way regardless of guest OS (e.g. windows/debian/ubuntu) ?
it would be interesting if different guest OS or the host makes a difference here, because if...
wir setzten die startzeit auf jetzt - 1 stunde (damit man die aktuellesten logs sieht) und das ende auf morgen 00:00 uhr damit auf jeden fall alles bis zum ende der logs dabei ist (inkl eventueller Ungenauigkeiten der zeit vom client + server) und damit wenn man auf search klickt alle 'neuen'...
sorry for the late answer, yes I can reproduce that and did open a bug: https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5622
you can add yourself there and will then get an update when we update the bug with new infos (e.g. when it's fixed)
what you could do is to try to disable auto powermanagement on the host for the device, for that you'd have to do
echo on > /sys/bus/usb/devices/<usb-id>/power/control
by default some devices are on 'auto' which might put the device in a standby mode and could interfere...
aside from that i...
it's' 'expired' not 'retired' but yes
not as long the tapes are not overwritten
they are overwritten when they are used the next time automatically, but it's in the nature of tapes that if you start writing from the beginning, you cannot access the previous data later on the tape anymore...
do you get an error when adding a device? can you post the versions (pveversion -v) of both clusters and a vm config of each (qm config ID) ?
can you also maybe show with screenshots (or similar) what exactly you are doing?
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