can you check whether the disk itself shows up there (`lsblk` or `ls /dev/`)? you could also dump dmesg and see if anything interesting is showing up there..
I'll answer the initial points and fold in some of the things you posted afterwards..
HTTP/2 as only transport mechanism for the backup and reader sessions is not set in stone. But any replacement/additional transport must have clear benefits without blowing up code complexity. We are aware...
you can't remove the default kernel's current version (but you also don't need to, if you temporarily pin an older one). the question is why the -3 one doesn't work..
it works for me with the role DatastoreAdmin .. could you double check that the "permissions" tree for your datastore for that user includes the "Datastore.Modify" privilege?
could you maybe provide more details? what kind of backup, how are you restoring it, if possible, also post the restore log/output (client/PVE side) and the reader task log (server/PBS side)
das liesse sich potentiell mit dem geplannten web-hook notification feature ganz gut loesen? (bug fuer PVE, aber patches sind auch fuer PBS ;))
I am not sure what more we can tell you, other than rclone seems to be "losing" chunks.. there's a reason PBS comes with its own sync feature that handles this correctly, even in the face of concurrent tasks. without a lot more logs it will be hard to find out what is actually going on..
you might want to add "rootdelay=120" to the kernel command line - if the system is slow to enumerate/discover/bring up hardware, it might be stuck not finding the root disk, but also being unable to tell your for lack of GPU support at the initrd stage..
did you take that video in slow motion? because loading the kernel definitely shouldn't take that long ;)
if you ping your machine, does it come up? if not, it is possibly really hanging at the initrd stage for some reason.. could still be GPU related (missing driver modules or firmware - the...
das kommt darauf an ;)
- lokale volumes die gerade nicht aktiv von der VM verwendet werden, aber von der config referenziert werden, werden vom storage layer migriert (also z.b. unused disks, oder solche die nur noch in snapshots referenziert werden)
- lokale volumes die aktiv von der...
see and
there currently is no official support for other operating systems
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