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  • Hello mir,

    I have a little question,
    is it possible that you can help me by updating my running proxmox versions to the newest Version ?

    If yes, it would be perfect when you can write me a mail to exilim77@gmx.net

    Hi Michael,

    I noticed on the pve-devel list that you've been developing several storage backend plugins for Proxmox. Any chance you're looking at adding one for Swift? I'd be happy to assist in any way I can.

    Best /// Martin
    Many thanks MIR :D

    Aout of NICs Intel i will be speaking with the boss. i know that realtek is garbage

    Please send me the file soon, i like to remove my address soon.
    And when you have sent the file please let me know by this means (as a precaution if no arrives)


    Best regards
    Hey mir, no problem :)

    Would be nice when you wrote via Mail on Exilim77@gmx.net
    Have a few questions to you. Maybe this will be interested to you

    Thanks :)
    Hi exilim,

    I did not see your message until today.

    Regarding your question:
    Since I do not use Skype this is not possible.
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