Recent content by bbgeek17

  1. bbgeek17

    PureStorage FlashArray + Proxmox VA + Multipath

    Snapshots exist at multiple layers: storage, file system, OS, application, and virtualization. Both PBS and Veeam use QEMU-based snapshots at the virtualization layer in PVE. Specifically QEMU NBD are used which are storage-related snapshots. Since this technology is storage-independent, it...
  2. bbgeek17

    PureStorage FlashArray + Proxmox VA + Multipath

    Veam's implementation for PVE does not use storage snapshot offloading. Cheers Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
  3. bbgeek17

    Not access Interface :8006 randomly

    I would recommend examining your extensions, local firewalls on the client, Ad blockers and other things that interfere with the connections. Try a different browser, if on windows - use Sandbox. The symptoms you described are very unlikely to be caused by the server (PVE). Cheers...
  4. bbgeek17

    Cloud-Init config not applying to VM

    Can you clarify what you mean by "adding manually" ? All you need to do is add cloud init device: qm set 9000 --ide2 local-lvm:cloudinit Then add your "cicustom" string which will overwrite any relevant built-in settings during ISO generation. Blockbridge : Ultra low latency...
  5. bbgeek17

    Cloud-Init config not applying to VM

    A few things to consider: - The GUI will _always_ reflect only built-in information. It does not, in any way, reflect your custom configuration - The custom configuration is only referenced during the ISO build step - The custom configuration is not checked for syntax, only for presence of the...
  6. bbgeek17

    [SOLVED] cicustom cloud-init stopped working

    The "gremlin effect" should never be discounted in IT, I am surprised that it was not DNS :-) Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
  7. bbgeek17

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Cluster - only one node see SAS storage

    Excellent news! You may want to mark the thread as Solved by editing the first post and changing the tag of the subject, to keep the forum tidy. Cheers Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
  8. bbgeek17

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Cluster - only one node see SAS storage

    Hi @pradelik , glad you were able to solve this. You may find this article helpful in your next steps: Cheers Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
  9. bbgeek17

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Cluster - only one node see SAS storage

    Hi @pradelik , welcome to the forum. PVE uses Debian userland and an Ubuntu-derived Kernel, so device detection works the same as on any other Linux-based server. If the Kernel isn’t detecting the disk at all, the issue is most likely hardware-related. I’m not familiar with ME4, but you may...
  10. bbgeek17

    Cloud-Init config not applying to VM

    You may want to carefully review this thread that is happening at the same time: While not everything will apply, many if not most of the troubleshooting steps are applicable. This thread also contains a...
  11. bbgeek17

    Cloud-Init config not applying to VM

    I am, frankly, not sure where you stand as of today and what the issue is. Perhaps, review your steps and configuration, restate the issue you want to resolve and provide an updated set of configuration, outputs, etc. cheers Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox...
  12. bbgeek17

    [SOLVED] cicustom cloud-init stopped working

    If it was my system, I would do the following steps: a) Use built-in cloud-init to confirm functionality b) Boot your system as you do now, if you are able to login - examine the cloudinit log c) If you cant login, shutdown the VM after boot, mount the disk manually to hypervisor and examine the...
  13. bbgeek17

    [SOLVED] cicustom cloud-init stopped working

    I can't see what exactly you are trying, obviously. Have you fully power down'ed the VM between the tries? Are you using fresh image? Have you confirmed that the device is seen during boot process (i.e. qm start [vmid] && qm terminal [vmid] ). It works fine here. pveversion...
  14. bbgeek17

    [SOLVED] cicustom cloud-init stopped working

    You are using IDE cdrom (cloudinit) with OVMF bios. There is a known compatibility issue between IDE and OVMF. It has been present for a while now, so it would be surprising that nothing changed. Change your CloudInit to SCSI, or Bios to legacy. Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME...
  15. bbgeek17

    How to delete LXC?

    A radical way : rm -rf /etc/pve/lxc/[lxcid].conf Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -