sounds good, but I don't want to remove the name "Proxmox" completely
And I need a name for the directory
When you look at other projects, they do not really go as far as you do, for instance when even extending the existing functionality:
The above is a perfect example that with some historical abbreviation which was not something they could/would even get a trademark on (pmx), nobody cares. Ironically, in the same manner, if you were to call your tool
, it would not violate anything.
What you put in your tool's
, especially if you include a banner clarifying you are not affiliated with Proxmox, your github name does not mislead into thinking you are somehow a Proxmox endorsed repo, is really not subject to any branding rules of someone else in any way. The media-kit is for e.g. partners so that they do not mess up brand identity, but you had been clearly communicated, you are not a partner with your tool, neither is your affiliation sought for.
Proxmox as a wordmark is registered (in US and EU) and there's the argument to be made that unless you do anything that misleads anyone while
obtaining your tool it is somehow originating from the same origin as the official tools, you have done your part. All the other disclaimers are just being very polite and prudent. Not using Proxmox as a prefix in your tool name is arguable (at this stage, it's a polite request), but nobody wants to type out (not even with shell-completion) command like
So my take would be to name it what I want, I would mimic the respective command name structure (prefix
, or
), I would then include the disclaimer on top of license information and finally, I would put into my readme whatever I want, in whichever typecase, precisely because you are not affiliated with Proxmox in any way.
I've seen PMX for Proxmox and as a common short form. Similar to PVE, PBS and PMG. But yes, won't help much with SEO...
So you can include any of these that fit, for the SEO, the fact that Google puts your result on top is not violating anyone's trademark, it would be an issue if you were e.g. impersonating someone affiliated with Proxmox and going on to financially benefit from e.g. sales derived from such activity.
And of course your directory can be named Proxmox, if I make a tool that cross-compiles and then put downloads into /windows, /macos, do you really think that would make a valid trademark case for the owner? It's not like you are going to register a domain name called, or are you?