zfs zvol import to existing vm


Aug 31, 2021

i have a headache.. I swapped my server hardware and wanted to still use my zpool mirror tankr0 on two hdd and a new one rpool on two ssd. Unfortunately, i was able to import the tankr0 (zpool import -f tankr0) but my datasets/zvol are not possible to access. How can one take the 102-disk-0 from tankr0 and import it in vm 116?
➜  qemu-server zfs list
NAME                             USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                            150G  64.7G      112K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT                      2.50G  64.7G       96K  /rpool/ROOT
rpool/ROOT/pve-1                2.50G  64.7G     2.50G  /
rpool/backup                     969M  64.7G      969M  /rpool/backup
rpool/ctdata                    8.69G  64.7G      136K  /rpool/ctdata
rpool/ctdata/subvol-106-disk-0  1.24G  10.8G     1.24G  /rpool/ctdata/subvol-106-disk-0
rpool/ctdata/subvol-107-disk-0   255M  7.75G      255M  /rpool/ctdata/subvol-107-disk-0
rpool/ctdata/subvol-107-disk-1   104M  11.9G      104M  /rpool/ctdata/subvol-107-disk-1
rpool/ctdata/subvol-108-disk-0  4.21G  3.79G     4.21G  /rpool/ctdata/subvol-108-disk-0
rpool/ctdata/subvol-115-disk-0   412M  7.60G      412M  /rpool/ctdata/subvol-115-disk-0
rpool/ctdata/subvol-118-disk-0  2.49G  27.5G     2.49G  /rpool/ctdata/subvol-118-disk-0
rpool/data                        96K  64.7G       96K  /rpool/data
rpool/vmdata                     138G  64.7G       96K  /rpool/vmdata
rpool/vmdata/vm-109-disk-0         3M  64.8G       56K  -
rpool/vmdata/vm-109-disk-1      33.0G  85.6G     12.2G  -
rpool/vmdata/vm-116-disk-0      39.2G  74.3G     29.6G  -
rpool/vmdata/vm-116-disk-1      66.0G  77.8G     52.9G  -
tankr0                          2.62T   909G      136K  /tankr0
tankr0/backup                     96K   909G       96K  /tankr0/backup
tankr0/basevol-110-disk-0       43.4M  7.96G     43.4M  /tankr0/basevol-110-disk-0
tankr0/basevol-111-disk-0        175M  7.79G      217M  /tankr0/basevol-111-disk-0
tankr0/ctdata                     96K   909G       96K  /tankr0/ctdata
tankr0/subvol-100-disk-0         377M  7.63G      377M  /tankr0/subvol-100-disk-0
tankr0/subvol-100-disk-1         115M  7.89G      115M  /tankr0/subvol-100-disk-1
tankr0/subvol-103-disk-0          96K  12.0G       96K  /tankr0/subvol-103-disk-0
tankr0/subvol-103-disk-1        1.52G  10.8G     1.23G  /tankr0/subvol-103-disk-1
tankr0/subvol-104-disk-0         104K  7.79G      217M  /tankr0/subvol-104-disk-0
tankr0/subvol-105-disk-0         213M  7.59G      418M  /tankr0/subvol-105-disk-0
tankr0/subvol-112-disk-0         705M  7.10G      920M  /tankr0/subvol-112-disk-0
tankr0/subvol-117-disk-0        2.84G  27.5G     2.50G  /tankr0/subvol-117-disk-0
tankr0/vm-101-disk-0               3M   909G       56K  -
tankr0/vm-101-disk-1            33.0G   930G     12.5G  -
tankr0/vm-102-disk-0            2.42T  1.75T     1.55T  -
tankr0/vm-102-disk-1            66.0G   922G     53.0G  -
tankr0/vm-102-disk-2            39.2G   918G     29.8G  -
tankr0/vm-113-disk-0            33.0G   940G     2.28G  -
tankr0/vmdata                   35.1G   909G       96K  /tankr0/vmdata
tankr0/vmdata/vm-116-disk-0     33.0G   942G       56K  -
tankr0/vmdata/vm-119-disk-0     2.06G   911G       56K  -
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Hi, you can rename the disk to fit the new VMID, e.g. zfs rename tankr0/vm-102-disk-0 tankr0/vm-116-disk-1 and run a qm rescan. This will detect the disk and add it to the VM config as unused disk. From there, you can attach it to the VM again via the WebUI.
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