I have a 7 disk zfs raidz2 made up of 7 8tb drives.
I created this back in February, but have recently been running into issues with it.
Every once and a while my primary storage vm has been crashing due to an io-error.

As you can see the free space has slowly gone down over time.
I have not been creating more virtual disks, as I originally intended to have 2TB of free space for later projects.
I have had to slowly move disks off of this datapool to another disk(one that is not redundant)in order to reboot that VM.
I am down to my last one I have been able to move off.
I don't understand exactly why this is happening.
I have no idea what I need to do to fix this.
I was hoping that I would have 32TB+ of space, but at this rate im careening towards even less than that.
I really don't want to have to resize "vm-100-disk-1" because thats the one with everything off it and I fear data loss if I play with the partition on the VM.
Im honestly annoyed with this, I have no idea what to do and where I went wrong, I suppose I assumed that zfs wouldn't affect space
I fear I am typing this on borrowed time, as its only a matter of time till I can no longer move any more disks off.
I created this back in February, but have recently been running into issues with it.
Every once and a while my primary storage vm has been crashing due to an io-error.

As you can see the free space has slowly gone down over time.
I have not been creating more virtual disks, as I originally intended to have 2TB of free space for later projects.
I have had to slowly move disks off of this datapool to another disk(one that is not redundant)in order to reboot that VM.
I am down to my last one I have been able to move off.
I don't understand exactly why this is happening.
root@proxmoxMachine:~# zpool list
datapool 50.9T 49.0T 1.92T
root@proxmoxMachine:~# zfs list
datapool 32.8T 33.0G 192K /datapool
datapool/vm-100-disk-0 51.6G 75.3G 9.24G -
datapool/vm-100-disk-1 32.6T 33.0G 32.6T -
datapool/vm-104-disk-0 103G 116G 19.9G -
datapool/vm-108-disk-0 103G 99.9G 36.3G -
I have no idea what I need to do to fix this.
I was hoping that I would have 32TB+ of space, but at this rate im careening towards even less than that.
I really don't want to have to resize "vm-100-disk-1" because thats the one with everything off it and I fear data loss if I play with the partition on the VM.
Im honestly annoyed with this, I have no idea what to do and where I went wrong, I suppose I assumed that zfs wouldn't affect space
I fear I am typing this on borrowed time, as its only a matter of time till I can no longer move any more disks off.