[SOLVED] ZFS 0.8.4 install?


New Member
Sep 13, 2020
I know it's not supported yet. But I am just curious to test some things for fun. I've read around and can't find anything that really shows the best way to move from 0.8.3 to 0.8.4. I feel like this is really dumb on my part, but can someone point me in the right direction?

I tried enabling the debia bullseye testing repository. But that didn't work (tried to uninstall proxmox). The proxmox devel repository also didn't work (no 0.8.4).

what do you mean? ZFS 0.8.4 is released since mid of May, shortly after the 6.2 release...
Be sure you have correctly setup your Subscriptions or, if you do not have one, setup a public available repository instead: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Package_Repositories

I tried enabling the debia bullseye testing repository.
Please do not do that, ZFS comes from the Proxmox VE repositories. Adding a testing or even unstable Debian repository to an active Proxmox VE host should be normally avoided, it can easily break lots of stuff.

As said, be sure you have the repos setup like the documentation describes:
I guess I'm confused. My sources.list looks like this

deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian buster main contrib deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian buster-updates main contrib # security updates deb http://security.debian.org buster/updates main contrib

apt update and apt upgrade show everything up to date

But my zfs version is still 0.8.3.

And according to you in post #14 in this thread


0.8.4 is NOT in the 6.2 release.

Do I need to enable the testing repository?
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve buster pvetest
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Did you actually read my post and opened https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Package_Repositories ?

Those you mentioned are the Debian base ones, in addition to that you need a Proxmox VE specific one.

* pve-enterprise - most stable and should be used for production, this requires a paid subscription
* pve-no-subscription - quite stable, but we cannot guarantee that it's stable enough for production - this is publicly available for free for all
* pvetest - as the name indicates, a testing repo good for catching issues early if one has a testlab

You need to add a single one of those.