Zerotier interface not showing in datacenter:node:network properties


New Member
Dec 29, 2019
I would like to ask around if the zerotier network device can be used with proxmox 6.1-5 webgui network device management? I simply installed zerotier as root and yet it does not show in the network properties at all. I sure would like to be able to use it like a physical port here.

Thx. a lot because if you did not open this thred I was not able to know about zerotier(nice tool). After I read some documentation and make some test follow this:

- check what is ZT interface name(command line in PMX as root):


In my case is something like : ztnxxxxxx

- edit from command line the /etc/network/interfaces file, and add this snippet:

auto vmbr77
iface vmbr77 inet static
address 10.242.x1.x2
netmask 16
bridge-ports ztnxxxxxx
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0

The 10.242.x1.x2 is what IP do you setup in the Network for your PMX host!

Good luck /Bafta !