Zentyal Mail Server + Proxmox Mail Gateway, worth it or redundant?


Apr 22, 2020
I love Proxmox VE and now I'm deploying Zentyal as a mail server, so I wonder if it is worth it to add Proxmox Mail Gateway to my infrastructure.

Since Zentyal already includes Sieve, Amavis, ClamAV and SpamAssasin, will I get any benefit with Proxmox Mail Gateway or would that be redundant and add complexity?

Thank you!
This depends on your setup in general.
I think PMG really shines if you quickly want to setup a proxy for multiple domains, and want to have a good base-config for clamAV and SpamAssasssin (e.g. the included KAM rule-channel updates) - and want to have a GUI for configuring what to happen with your mail.

I don't know Zentyal - so cannot speak to if it can flexibly decide what to do with mail if it matches some aspect.

Put shortly - try if you're missing something with Zentyal only - if yes - try putting a PMG in front of it.

I hope this helps!
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