Same problem here
Zabbix Server Version: 6.0.29
This is the step i do on proxmox
Create a new role with this privileges:

Then i create new user for zabbix i try both with realm "pam" and "pve" but i have the same errors, and new api token then i assign the roles i created on both user and api token:

In the zabbix side i created new host:

With this Macros:

But this is the error i get:

Zabbix Server Version: 6.0.29
This is the step i do on proxmox
Create a new role with this privileges:

Then i create new user for zabbix i try both with realm "pam" and "pve" but i have the same errors, and new api token then i assign the roles i created on both user and api token:

In the zabbix side i created new host:

With this Macros:

But this is the error i get: