youre thoughts about AMD Ryzen Pro 4750G !?

Gerard Oedzes

Dec 4, 2022

I am currently considering upgrading my Proxmox server.

Currently I use an Intel Xeon 2146G, but given its age and core speed, there is a bit more to be had these days.
I'm totally unfamiliar with AMD but the Ryzen Pro 4750G seems interesting:

  1. 8 cores / 16 threads
  2. Default TDP only 65 wats
  3. Integradet Radeon Graphics (PLEX transcoding)
  4. Pro models support ECC Memory
  5. Launch year 2020 so should be fully suported by Proxmox?

I hope there is someone who has experience with this CPU and can perhaps share their experience?
There are other things I should be aware regard to Intel?

Thanks in advance for your advice and opinion!
I can't give you first hand experiences for this CPU, however, it seems there are some forum posts where you might find relevant information about it via the Forum search, which seem to go as far back as August 2020:

Please also consider that you might find more info by switching out or adding some keywords to your search.